55 Rowland Way #1008 Novato, CA 94945

14th Annual International Bhikkhuni Day

The 1st Annual International Bhikkhunī Day happened on September 17, 2011 and was dedicated to the memory and legacy of Mahāpajāpatī Therī. It was the idea of founder and former president of Alliance for Bhikkhunīs, Susan Pembroke. Susan wanted to create an annual event to honor the essential role played by the Bhikkhunī Sangha in preserving and propagating the Dhamma. She suggested we do this by holding an International Bhikkhunī Day (IBD). Susan chose a date around the full moon in September, when Mahāpajāpatī—the first Bhikkhunī—was ordained, thus marking the emergence of the Bhikkhunī Sangha. (Check out our archives to see the themes of all the past IBDs.)


The 14th Annual International Bhikkhunī Day will be observed on September 18th or any convenient date close to the September 2024 full moon. This year’s reflections

Ayya Sudinna 

Ajahn Hasapanna

Ayya Suvijjana and Ayya Niyyanika

Santacitta Bhikkhuni

Venerable Canda 1 & 2

Ayya Karunika

Venerable Vimala

Acala Bhikkhuni

Ayya Ahimsa

Ayya Suvira

Bhikkhuni Vimutti


A significant step in the revival of full Theravāda Bhikkhunī ordination occurred with the 1998 Bodhgayā ordination: “It was one of the first major steps to re-establish the bhikshuni (full ordination for women) ordination in countries such as Sri Lanka where it had died out centuries ago and to introduce this precious ordination in countries and traditions where it has not previously existed.” Alliance for Bhikkhunīs has been deeply inspired to see the Bhikkhunī Sangha thriving in so many places, from Asia where the Bhikkhunī Sangha is nourished by deep historical roots, to the flourishing communities in Oceania, Europe, and North America, to the beginnings of new growth in Latin America.


Thanks to the generous support of our donors, Alliance for Bhikkhunīs was able to provide support to Bhikkhunīs across the world last year.


The mission of the Alliance for Bhikkhunīs–to support and protect the international Bhikkhunī Sangha–is especially crucial now, as the world struggles with global political and economic crises. Although the Bhikkhunī Sangha is often uniquely vulnerable in these situations, as they depend entirely on the goodwill and support of laypeople, we are inspired and heartened by the grace and resilience Bhikkhunīs have shown in walking the path of the Dhamma despite adversity.


If you’re interested in helping the Alliance for Bhikkhunīs in nurturing the growth and development of the global Bhikkhunī Sangha, please take a moment to explore the ongoing projects we support.


If you would like to hold an event to observe International Bhikkhunī Day, here are some tools you can use to create an informative and inspiring IBD celebration, as well as a Power Point presentation of the history of the Bhikkhunī order from the Buddha to the present day. AfB’s Facebook page lists a number of 2024 IBD events.

Alliance for Bhikkhunis Facebook page.