Ayya Canda
Anukampa Bhikkhuni Project – UK

I just want to express my sincere gratitude for all the work you do in supporting Bhikkhunis and nuns. It is deeply moving to hear how you spend the incoming donations and that so much of them go directly to the nuns.
In particular, may I again thank you for the support you were able to give to me personally, ie, my return flight to California this year. The journey came at a pivotal time on my path and provided me the much needed and sustaining sense of being part of a global sangha. I felt a deep connection to the sisters there, to the extent that Ayyas Anandabodhi and Santacitta became additional advisers to Anukampa Bhikkhuni Project in the UK! I am also delighted to be returning next year to spend the majority of the winter retreat with them, helping me ensure a healthy balance between service and solitude.
Such exchange plays a vital role in strengthening the Bhikkhuni Sangha at this relatively new stage, especially when many of us have little access to elder sisters on the path.
Ayya Sudhamma
Charlotte Buddhist Vihara – NC

AfB has done much over the years to maintain and enrich my life, with each occasion of support granted, having significance to me. Yet AfB’s full impact cannot be measured only by the tangible financial support given. The hope given by AfB’s pavarana removes an obstacle to imagining what is possible. Because of AfB I can allow myself to dream “what if”: “What if I were to take a flight to join my nun friends for that special program….” “What if I were to attend that costly meditation retreat… ” Sometimes I’ve ended up doing lovely things enabled initially by the thought of AfB’s support, yet never having mentioned it to AfB because in the meantime other resources materialized – everything coming together only because I’d had the courage to envision and take a first step, thinking, “This is possible, AfB may cover it.”
The intangible support continually granted by AfB cannot be measured, but for me, it is huge.
Bhikkhuni H. Supeshala
Padukka Mathika Matha Bhikkhuni Aramaya
Sri Lanka

Bhikkhuni H. Supeshala writes of the reconstruction of kutis and meditation hall:
Your continuous effort to send the contributions towards my project is indeed of great help to me. Much merit to all the donors for their generous contributions. With the donations I received from you, the tiling of the verandah has been completed and we had a ceremony to ordain a nun in that premises last Monday.I am happy to inform you that I intend to start construction of the upper floor in the near future.May the Noble Triple Gem bless you and everyone in your organization and most importantly all the donors who has contributed so generously for this project.May you all attain the supreme bliss of Nibbana!!!
Bhikkhuni Visuddhi
Karuna Sevena – Czech Republic

I want to thank you once again for providing me financial help and support. With all the politics around bhikkhunis in the world and lack of support we have, I appreciate even more those people who see us and are willing to support and help us.
Ayya Medhandhi
Sati Saraniya Monastery – Canada

Ayya Medhandhi writes of AfB’s support for Sr Anuruddha’s travel to her ordination at Dhammadharini in Penngrove, CA on Dec. 3, 2017:
Thank you so much! We arrived safely, Sr Anuruddha from Vancouver and I came later after teaching a retreat in Toronto. So happy to be here and to be participating in this wonderful event. We feel great Thanksgiving to everyone at the AFB for your kindness, care and generosity in supporting Sr Anuruddha ‘s travel here. How amazing that she was able to get a visa!
Ayya Santussika and Samaneri Cittananda
Karuna Buddhist Vihara – Mountain View, Ca

We received the dana for the upcoming ordination–anumodana! We so much appreciate the work you are doing to help the bhikkhuni sangha grow and flourish. It is humbling and heartening to have friends in the Dhamma supporting us as we work to awaken–not only for ourselves, but for all those who will benefit from the presence of fully ordained female monastics in the world.
Ayya Medhanandi, Ayya Nimmala, and Ayya Anuruddha
Sati Saraniya Hermitage, Canada

On behalf of our community, we would like to express our heartfelt joy and gratitude for your tireless support and encouragement on the Path. For many years, you have reached out to help us with bhikkhuni projects, requisites, and travel expenses. And this month, again we received your spontaneous offering of dana – which arrived soon after we completed our 10th anniversary as a Theravada bhikkhuni monastery. Sadhu Sadhu Sadhu, Anumodana!
It so happens that during this time our forest is being ravaged by the destructive tent caterpillars, so we really felt the stream of your kindness coming from afar to renew and uplift our spirits.
We also give thanks for your many years of commitment to the growth and sustainability of the Bhikkhuni Sangha in this new millenium. Your generosity as a leadership alliance raising awareness and support creates a field of goodness for bhikkhunis around the world. Although we may face many challenges in sustaining the female monastic presence for Theravada women, your faith in our Dhamma work acts as a beacon of light that helps to strengthen and bless our communities.
May whatever joy and goodness arise from our practice bring forth the riches of the Path in your lives, for your well-being and happiness. May your hearts be filled with peace.
Header photo by Chase O’Flynn and Dominic McCarty. Ordination on Dec 3, 2017 at Dhammadharini.
Bhikkhuni Testimonials
Posted: December 1, 2017 by Alliance Bhikkhunis
Ayya Canda
Anukampa Bhikkhuni Project – UK
I just want to express my sincere gratitude for all the work you do in supporting Bhikkhunis and nuns. It is deeply moving to hear how you spend the incoming donations and that so much of them go directly to the nuns.
In particular, may I again thank you for the support you were able to give to me personally, ie, my return flight to California this year. The journey came at a pivotal time on my path and provided me the much needed and sustaining sense of being part of a global sangha. I felt a deep connection to the sisters there, to the extent that Ayyas Anandabodhi and Santacitta became additional advisers to Anukampa Bhikkhuni Project in the UK! I am also delighted to be returning next year to spend the majority of the winter retreat with them, helping me ensure a healthy balance between service and solitude.
Such exchange plays a vital role in strengthening the Bhikkhuni Sangha at this relatively new stage, especially when many of us have little access to elder sisters on the path.
Ayya Sudhamma
Charlotte Buddhist Vihara – NC
AfB has done much over the years to maintain and enrich my life, with each occasion of support granted, having significance to me. Yet AfB’s full impact cannot be measured only by the tangible financial support given. The hope given by AfB’s pavarana removes an obstacle to imagining what is possible. Because of AfB I can allow myself to dream “what if”: “What if I were to take a flight to join my nun friends for that special program….” “What if I were to attend that costly meditation retreat… ” Sometimes I’ve ended up doing lovely things enabled initially by the thought of AfB’s support, yet never having mentioned it to AfB because in the meantime other resources materialized – everything coming together only because I’d had the courage to envision and take a first step, thinking, “This is possible, AfB may cover it.”
The intangible support continually granted by AfB cannot be measured, but for me, it is huge.
Bhikkhuni H. Supeshala
Padukka Mathika Matha Bhikkhuni Aramaya
Sri Lanka
Your continuous effort to send the contributions towards my project is indeed of great help to me. Much merit to all the donors for their generous contributions. With the donations I received from you, the tiling of the verandah has been completed and we had a ceremony to ordain a nun in that premises last Monday.I am happy to inform you that I intend to start construction of the upper floor in the near future.May the Noble Triple Gem bless you and everyone in your organization and most importantly all the donors who has contributed so generously for this project.May you all attain the supreme bliss of Nibbana!!!
Bhikkhuni Visuddhi
Karuna Sevena – Czech Republic
Ayya Medhandhi
Sati Saraniya Monastery – Canada
Thank you so much! We arrived safely, Sr Anuruddha from Vancouver and I came later after teaching a retreat in Toronto. So happy to be here and to be participating in this wonderful event. We feel great Thanksgiving to everyone at the AFB for your kindness, care and generosity in supporting Sr Anuruddha ‘s travel here. How amazing that she was able to get a visa!
Ayya Santussika and Samaneri Cittananda
Karuna Buddhist Vihara – Mountain View, Ca
We received the dana for the upcoming ordination–anumodana! We so much appreciate the work you are doing to help the bhikkhuni sangha grow and flourish. It is humbling and heartening to have friends in the Dhamma supporting us as we work to awaken–not only for ourselves, but for all those who will benefit from the presence of fully ordained female monastics in the world.
Ayya Medhanandi, Ayya Nimmala, and Ayya Anuruddha
Sati Saraniya Hermitage, Canada
On behalf of our community, we would like to express our heartfelt joy and gratitude for your tireless support and encouragement on the Path. For many years, you have reached out to help us with bhikkhuni projects, requisites, and travel expenses. And this month, again we received your spontaneous offering of dana – which arrived soon after we completed our 10th anniversary as a Theravada bhikkhuni monastery. Sadhu Sadhu Sadhu, Anumodana!
It so happens that during this time our forest is being ravaged by the destructive tent caterpillars, so we really felt the stream of your kindness coming from afar to renew and uplift our spirits.
We also give thanks for your many years of commitment to the growth and sustainability of the Bhikkhuni Sangha in this new millenium. Your generosity as a leadership alliance raising awareness and support creates a field of goodness for bhikkhunis around the world. Although we may face many challenges in sustaining the female monastic presence for Theravada women, your faith in our Dhamma work acts as a beacon of light that helps to strengthen and bless our communities.
May whatever joy and goodness arise from our practice bring forth the riches of the Path in your lives, for your well-being and happiness. May your hearts be filled with peace.
Category: slideshow