On November 7, Ayya Anandabodhi and Ayya Santacitta had their interviews to become US citizens and we were both approved. Ayya Santacitta is still awaiting her date for Naturalization, while Ayya Anandabodhi’s went through a little more quickly and on November 20 she joined 579 people from 64 countries for the oath Ceremony in Sacramento.
Having this opportunity to become a citizen of the United States brought up strong feelings of gratitude for the respect, support and kindness received over these 10 years, from so many American people who have supported the vision of Aloka Vihara Forest Monastery. Thank you to each of you from the depths of my heart.
In Aloka Vihara’s latest newsletter they report on their 10th Anniversary and Kathina Celebration held on October 27th:
Aloka Vihara’s 10th Anniversary and Kathina Celebration on October 27 has been uplifting for our nuns’ community and we very much felt the appreciation and love of all our many supporters. High winds nearly lifted the tent off the ground during the ceremony and it was beautiful to see all working together to keep the event on track. Board members, past and present, came and we all rejoiced together in the fulfillment of our vision of a forest monastery for bhikkhunis – the fruit of much hard work over the last 10 years.
New book by Ayya Anandabodhi Bhikkhuni and Ayya Santacitta Bhikkhuni
This new book, Leaving It All Behind, Dhamma Talks from the nuns at Āloka Vihāra Forest Monastery, has been published on the ten-year anniversary of Aloka Vihara (now Aloka Vihara Forest Monastery).
On Oct. 30th we received this report from Erika Bartlett who is visiting Aloka Vihara.
The nuns from Dhammadharini’s Aranya Bodhi Hermitage have evacuated due to heavy smoke conditions, and are staying at Aloka Vihara Monastery nearly 200 miles away. As of this writing, Dhammadharini Monastery is also threatened by smoke and fire conditions, and the remaining nuns at the property are standing by to evacuate should that order be given.
Aloka Vihara currently has 10 nuns and 4 lay supporters staying there, for a total of 14 people. A prolonged high wind event has left the Vihara without power, and they are relying on intermittent use of their generator to keep the many temporary residents well fed and as comfortable as possible under the circumstances.
In a Dhamma reflection, Venerable Ayya Tathaaloka remarked that the uncertain conditions reflect an element of the Bhikkhuni sangha itself; there are moments when it all seems subject to burning up or blowing away. But despite these times of uncertainly, the community remains grounded through the compassion of each Bhikkhuni for her sister in times of need, and through the care and generosity of lay supporters.
Update from Karuṇā Sevena in the Czech Republic
Ivona Swan, President of Karuṇā Sevena recently updated us on the roof repair at the monastery. She writes, “Just this past week, the replacement of the roof of Viveka (house for accommodation for visitors) has been completed. How exciting! Despite some problems at the beginning, the repair went very well and smoothly, the contractors were working very hard and the result is very nice. The roof had leaks and the basement of Viveka was getting moldy as a result so this replacement helped tremendously. Eventually, we would like to convert the attic space to rooms or sections for accommodating visitors, if we are able to secure the funds in the future. That way the capacity of accommodation would increase.”
October 22, 2019 was the 10th Anniversary of the first Bhikkhuni Ordinations in Perth, Australia with Ayya Tathaaloka and Ajahn Brahm!
This photo is from Venerable Canda’s facebook page. She writes:
From four Bhikkhunis at Dhammasara to many: Ven Hasapanna Theri is shown here to my left, one of the first four courageous women to ordain 10 years ago today, despite pressure from some quarters to change her mind. Ven Ajahn’s Vayama, Nirodha and Seri now dwell at Patacara Bhikkhuni Hermitage and Santi FM, and there are Theravada Bhikkhunis in many other parts of the Western (and of course Eastern) world.
Aloka Vihara Nuns Participate in the Walk to Feed the Hungry
From the Aloka Vihara Newsletter:
The nuns of Aloka Vihara recently organized and participated in the Berkeley Walk to Feed the Hungry. (Click here to see photos from the Walk.) We’d like to extend our gratitude to all who played a part in that event. It was a big success. The Walk connected friends, old and new, including about 65 walkers. Together we raised more than $11,000 for Buddhist Global Relief. Thank you!
Kathina & 10th anniversary of Australia’s Theravada Bhikkhuni ordination
The Dhammasara Monastery in Western Australia will be holding a Kathina ceremony on Sunday, October 27, 2019. They will also be celebrating the 10th anniversary of the first Australian Theravada Bhikkhuni ordination. Ven. Vayama, Ven. Nirodha, Ven. Seri and Ven. Hasapañña were all ordained at this time.
BBC Names Dhammananda Bhikkhuni among 100 Influential Women of 2019
From the BuddhistDoor:
The BBC has named Dhammananda Bhikkhuni, Thailand’s first female monk, among its list of the world’s 100 most inspiring and influential women of 2019, which draws on the achievements and accomplishments of influential and notable women from across the globe.
From Ayya Tathālokā 10/11/19
Gladly, this last weekend, the new walkway went up—many thanks to Ayya Sobhana, Stray Cat Dharma Oakland volunteers and those who made a donation for my birthday to the project. And we survived the high winds here at our hermitage without mishap these past couple of days, although Ayya Sobhana and our monastery might still be experiencing PG&E fire prevention power shutdown (including no internet).
We are happy and appreciative, doing the work of our hearts in the Dhamma.
Thank you to author, Cheryl Wilfong
We are very grateful for the very generous contribution to AfB from Cheryl Wilfong. We are very heartened to see such strong commitment to the development and growth of the bhikkhuni sangha. Thank you Cheryl!
Here at Aloka Vihara, the cicadas are singing their night song and the forest is flourishing after an unexpectedly early rain. In the midst of all the climate activism this week, nature continues its sanity and healing. On Sept 20th, we joined the Youth Strike at the State Capitol Building in Sacramento. Thankfully, momentum is gathering worldwide. As we (the human race) gradually remember that we are part of nature, not above it, we can become agents for healing and transformation of this precious Earth, instead of destroying it. The word “Dhamma” is often translated as “Nature” – pointing to the interbeing of all things, the truth of the way things are. May we learn again to live in alignment with Nature.
Recently we celebrated a full moon day, or Poya, in conjunction with our annual recognition of Bhikkhuni Day (a day set aside to honor the full moon under which the first order of Buddhist nuns was ordained). Ayya Sudhamma spoke about the history of the bhikkhunis, we participated in chanting, meditation, and took Refuge and the Five Precepts, with some people taking the Eight Precepts. Then we performed a Buddha Puja (offering to the Buddha) and shared different foods in a potluck lunch, and socialized.
The Buddha strongly encouraged people to set aside certain lunar days for extra practice.
Upcoming events at the vihara can be found on their MeetUp page.
Aloka Vihara will be celebrating its 10th Anniversary, as well as holding a Kathina Ceremony at the monastery on Sunday, October 27th Download a flyer Kathina Q&A
Update on the Nuns Initiative at Cloud Mountain
Cloud Mountain recently completed the second of the two retreats offered this year to inaugurate the Nuns Initiative: a 10-day retreat led by ex-siladharas Willa Thaniya Reid and Elizabeth Day. The flavor of their monastic practice and their own devotion to the Dhamma permeated the retreat, making it a very powerful experience for those attending.
Fourth Edition of the Bhikkhunī Pātimokkha, published, August 2019
From the Forward:
This edition of the Pāli Bhikkhunī Pātimokkha is intended for practical usage by bhikkhunīs. It aims to provide the minimum of essential information for the pure observance of the fortnightly uposatha.
The first edition was originally compiled for the occasion of the 2008 Bhikkhunī Seminar at Santi Forest Monastery, Australia. Now in 2019, more than ten years later, the number of Theravāda bhikkhunīs east and west has greatly increased.
The uposatha, and especially the recitation of the disciplinary code that forms the heart of the ceremony, is an outstanding feature of Buddhist monastic life. It is the fundamental expression of unity and harmony within the monastic Saṅgha. In the Theravādin school, the bhikkhus regularly recite the Pātimokkha by heart in Pāli. As the Bhikkhunī Saṅgha becomes established within the Theravāda, the need grows for a convenient handbook that can be used by bhikkhunīs.
From the September Newsletter:
On Sunday, September 15, 2019, please join us for a day of gratitude. We will honour our great Dhamma grandmother, Arahant Mahāpajāpatī Gotamī, the Buddha’s aunt and surrogate mother, on the anniversary of her ordination as the first bhikkhunī.
We will also be celebrating the 70th birthday of our Sati Sārāṇīya Dhamma mother, Ayyā Medhānandī, as well as our 11th anniversary, including 10 years here, in the forests and fields of Tay Valley Township, Ontario.
From theKaruna Buddhist Viharawebsite:
A member of our community had the wish to give the nuns of KBV, as well as KBV’s lay community, the space to spend time deepening their practice in a peaceful natural setting conducive to meditation and contemplation–just as the Buddha prescribed. Thanks to her generosity, and the generosity of many others, we have now purchased this beautiful forest hermitage on 14 acres in the Santa Cruz mountains, only a 45 minute drive from the current Vihara.
As with any new property, there will be much to do in order for us to fully utilize the space. Aside from generator and solar panel upgrades and a few repairs for the cabin, we would like to eventually build platforms for camping tents, kutis, and a main yurt for residents to practice in. Many hands would help the vision come to fruition. Financial contributions specifically for the hermitage can be made through the methods on our donations page, and useful items can currently be found on the kathina dana list. All donations are fully tax deductible.
AfB donated $2000 towards the hermitage.
New Article by Tathālokā Bhikkhunī
“Coming Into Our Own,” the second part of the two-part “Remaking of the Bhikkhunī Saṅgha in Transcultural Contexts,” offers internal perspective on how Dhamma and Vinaya studies are brought into and inform bhikkhunīs’ monastic community life (with highlights on the role of the Bhikkhunī Vibhaṅga Project), together with offering a look at some of the puzzles or problems that bhikkhunīs are working on within the Theravāda tradition. The author draws from her experience with ordinations and bhikkhunīs’ individual and community life including but not limited to North America, Australasia, India, Sri Lanka & Thailand over a 30 year period, from approximately the last decade of the 20th century to the second decade of the 21st. Topics of active interest and work center on a dynamic and creative tension or fusion between ideals and vision, with striving, attainments and lived practices in the renascent bhikkhunīs’ community.
We are happy to report that Tracy Van Zandt, our former president, took Anagarika Precepts on July 14th at Dhammadharini Monastery. We congratulate and wish her the very best as she experiences her new life as an Anagarika!
Long-term Lay Resident Caretaker Needed at Mahapajapati Monastery
From Mahapajapati Monastery:
In light of the recent expansion of Mahapajapati Monastery, we are expecting an increase in both monastic and lay visitors in addition to a general increased level of activity.
We are looking for a lay person who wishes to deepen understanding and practice of Buddhism by living in a monastic setting. Long term residents will take part in the life of the community with regular periods of meditation, work, chores and occasional solitary retreat time.
Applicants should be female and have basic experience of meditation and mindfulness practice. You should be able to work independently but also be willing to take direction from the Abbess.
Bhikkhunis at the Global Buddhist Conference in Berkeley
From Aloka Vihara’s website:
Join us for the Global Buddhist Conference on the UC Berkeley campus, on the last weekend in June! Ayya Anandabodhi, together with nuns from Dhammadharini and Karuna Buddhist Vihara, will be signing a recently published book with teachings by contemporary bhikkhunis, “Let the Light Shine.” A teaching by Ayya Santacitta is also included in the book. Ven. Dhammadipa will be in attendance at the Conference too, connecting folks with the Buddhist Global Relief and the Berkeley Walk to Feed the Hungry. More
Good news!! Thinking of going to the upcoming ‘After Mindfulness’ Global Conference on Buddhism at Berkeley on June 29th and 30th, https://www.aftermindfulness.org? Here’s something to encourage you to attend the event!
Since Alliance for Bhikkhunis will be ‘manning’ a tent at the event, we have been given a Promo Code to share with our readers and community to give you 10% off your ticket for the event.
The event has a lot to offer! Venerable Ajahn Brahm, Ven. Lekshe Tsomo, Ayya Tathaaloka, and many more speakers and activities. Please stop by the tent and say hello! Hope to see you there!!
New Article on the Therigatha
From Scroll.in:
From depression and loss to motherhood and menopause, the short verses in the ‘Therigatha’ date back millennia but deal with timeless concerns. Read the article
News from Anukampa
Read the latest newsletter from Anukampa with information on a UK tour with Ajahn Brahm, retreats with Venerable Canda, an update on the progression of establishing a Forest Monastery and more. Read the newsletter
Bhikkhuni Retreats at Cloud Mountain
Cloud Mountain is a Buddhist retreat center, 125 miles south of Seattle, WA and 60 miles north of Portland, OR. Starting this year, Cloud Mountain is offering quite a few retreats with bhikkhunis and ex-nuns in order to provide a forum for the extraordinary depth of realization and understanding that exists within the women’s monastic and ex-monastic community.
Cloud Mountain Bhikkhuni Retreat Schedule:
June 7 – 14, 2019, with Ven. Ayyas Santacitta and Santussika (dana-based for teachers and also retreat center) More information and registration
July 26 – August 5, 2019, with Willa Thaniya Reid (formerly Ven. Thaniya) and Elizabeth Day (formerly Ven. Cittamani)
May 22 – 28, 2020, with Ven. Ayya Medhanandi (dana-based for teachers and also retreat center)
August 14 – 27, 2020, with Amma Thanasanti (recently returned to lay life)
October 30 – November 4, 2020, with Ven. Ayya Sobhana (dana-based for teachers and also retreat center)
News from Sati Sāraniya Hermitage
On this Mother’s Day, May 12, 2019, near the time of Vesakh, the community at Sati Sāraniya Hermitage conducted an ordination ceremony for Anagārikā Jayasārā (Eleonora Monti) who came to support our Winter Retreat after serving at Amaravati and Chithurst Buddhist monasteries in the UK during 2016-2019.
We were deeply honoured to have Ajahn Candasiri with us for the occasion and to share this joyous time with many of our supporters. We were also fortunate to hear Ajahn Candasiri, who has 40 years of monastic experience, offer a most uplifting and inspiring Dhamma talk to us all in honour of this day which would have been her own mother’s 100th birthday.
With metta from,
The nuns’ community
What’s After Mindfulness: A Gathering of Sharing and Giving
June 29-30, 2019
This gathering will be held at the UC Berkeley campus and will explore how Buddhist teachings empower us to find our voice and true happiness for the greater good of our global family. Teachers from diverse traditions, backgrounds, and locations around the world will join together to share their own insights and personal stories, each bringing a unique perspective on how we can move beyond mindfulness alone to something greater. Among the many noted speakers will be Ajahn Brahm and Ayya Tathaloka.
In addition, there will be concerts, yoga and meditation classes and much more.
The Alliance for Bhikkhunis will have a tent at the event. We look forward to seeing you there!
Vesak celebrates the birth, Awakening and Parinibbana (death) of the Buddha.
Aloka Vihara
Saturday May 18, 2019
Please arrive either for the meal at 11:45 am (bring a vegetarian dish to share) or at 1:30 pm for chanting, meditation, Dhamma Sharing & Buddha Bathing Ceremony. There will be Tea & Discussion at 5 pm at the end of the afternoon.
Charlotte Buddhist Vihara
Saturday May 18, 2019
9 AM: “Awakening of a Buddha” – talk by Ayya Sudhamma
10:30 AM: Break, short meditation, prep for Puja & Potluck Lunch
11:30 AM: Puja chanting
Noon Lunch (You are invited to bring a food item to contribute to the pot luck lunch)
1:00 PM: “Arising & Passing of the Buddha’s Life” – talk by Ayya Sudhamma
May 18-19
Two Vesak events with Venerable Sayadaw U Jagara
During this Vesak month there will be two wonderful Dhamma events with Sayadaw U Jagara: A daylong retreat on Saturday May 18, and the Vesak celebration on Sunday May 19.
Vesak Full Moon Daylong Retreat
Saturday, May 18, 2019
Led by Sayadaw U Jagara
“Recollection of the Buddha”
Celebrate Vesak – Buddha Day
Sunday May 19, 2019, at Dhammadharini Monastery with special guest speaker Sayadaw U Jagara
Welcome to come for all or part of the day 9:00 to 3:30 with a talk by Sayadaw U Jagara at 2:00
Sunday, May 26 New Buddha Statue Consecration Ceremony and Vesak Celebration
10:00 am – 1:30 pm
11:00 am vegetarian potluck meal offering
at Karuna Buddhist Vihara
Karuna Sevena, Czech Republic
Saturday 18th of May 2019, from 9am
Karuṇā Sevena will host our residing venerable bhikkhunī Visuddhi therī.
It is an ancient tradition to donate gifts to monks and nuns on the Vesākha celebration. This act of your generosity (dāna) brings better life conditions for the monastic Saṅgha, helps to your own feelings of joy and leads to your better kamma.
Update from Sati Saraniya Hermitage:
On mother’s day, May 12, 2019, we invite you to an anagārikā (postulant) ordination. Eleonora Monti of Milano, Italy, is aspiring for the monastic life. With shaved head and wearing white robes, she will formally go forth from home to homelessness to take up the training as Anagārikā Jayadevā here at Sati Sārāņīya Hermitage.
Eleonora came to Canada for the first time this year after serving the Sangha at Amaravati Buddhist Monastery in England for two and a half years. We welcome you to join us for this auspicious day.
11:00 am
Rice offering food to the Sangha & blessing chant
This is the latest newsletter from Tilorien Monastery. Read about their open house on May 5th, Bhante Sujato’s tour of Europe, a new chanting book and a screening of the new film, “Bhikkhunī – Buddhism, Sri Lanka, Revolution”.
An article on American Theravada in the 21st Century, with a prominent section on the bhikkhuni lineage, is now live on Lion’s Roarhttps://www.lionsroar.com/theravada-buddhism-america/ Mention is also made of AfB.
Construction at Mahāpajāpati Monastery
There are plans for two new construction projects at the monastery. The first will provide living quarters for Ayya Gunasari, living and dining rooms and a small reception area/library. The second project is a meditation hall that will accommodate 35 meditators
Bodhgaya International Theravada Bhikkhuni Ordination
On the 28th and 29th of January 2019, with the patronage and support of the Mahabodhi Society of India Bodhgaya, the first International All Theravada Bhikkhuni Ordination was held in Bodhgaya, the site of the Buddha’s Great Awakening more than 2600 years ago. Twenty-four women novices (samaneri, sikkhamana) from various countries were granted higher ordination and fully accepted as Bhikkhunis by the Dual Sangha of Bhikkhus and Bhikkhunis.
From Friends of Dhammadharini:
A friend of our community, learning about the landslide on our hermitage access road, has very kindly offered an $8K match grant to all those who would like to join in being a part of offering help and support together from afar for “Hermitage Storm Damage”. “Anumodana Sadhu!” to this kind donor!
This is for all kinds of work related to storm damage at our Aranya Bodhi Awakening Forest Hermitage, like bolstering the slide and fixing the bridge, as well as preventing further damage, like protecting trees getting ready to fall on a kuti or access road, re/establishing drainage, or protecting the access road from collapsing, etc.
If you’d like to make a donation towards the $8K match grant, you can go to our Dhammadharini Support Foundation donations page. We invite you to please send a quick note to the hermitage email or a text to +1 707-583-9523 to let know about your donation, so knowing about your support, work can begin as soon as possible. Thanks so much and anumodana! Sending metta and good wishes also welcome :).
Videos of the International Bhikkhuni Ordination in Bodhgaya
Jan 28-29, 2019
View the large collection of videos from this event here
Full 2019 Schedule for The Charlotte Buddhist Vihara
Aloka Vihara’s 10th Anniversary!
Photo of the nuns in San Francisco for a two-month trial period in early 2009
The end of 2019 marks the 10th anniversary of the founding of Aloka Vihara.
As part of the 10th Anniversary, we’re looking forward to sharing a new book of teachings from Ayya Santacitta and Ayya Anandabodhi. This free-distribution book will be the first publishing of teachings by the Aloka Vihara nuns.
Our plan is to have it completed and printed in time for the Kathina Ceremony & 10th Anniversary gathering in late October. We have a wonderful team working on the project and are looking for help to cover the costs of printing.
If you would like to offer a donation to support this effort, please click here.
In Memory of Bhikkhuni Visuddhisaddha
Ven. Bhikkhuni Visuddhisaddhā
From Ven Bhikkhuni Lieu Phap Viditadhamma Theri:
We are very sad to inform you that Ven. Bhikkhuni Visuddhisaddhā has passed away after months of serious sickness in our Sunnata Bhikkhuni Arama at 6pm today, Jan 21, 2019. Let us share our merits to her so that she may be reborn in good realm, and may fulfill her ultimate goal of enlightenment and Nibbāna. Namo Buddhāya!
From Tathālokā Bhikkhunī
Ven Visuddhisaddha was one of the first of the second generation of contemporary Theravada bhikkhunis in South Vietnam, and has been of great service to the reappearance of the Theravada Bhikkhuni Sangha in South Vietnam.
Bhikkhuni Patimokkha Fourth Edition
From Ayya Tathaloka, January 25, 2019
It is my humble joy to see in this morning’s sunlight the fruits of our past years’ labors manifest here in the first printing of Bhikkhuni Patimokkha Fourth Edition. This first printing is to be offered to the new bhikkhunis to be ordained at the International Bhikkhuni Ordination in Bodhgaya Jan 28-29, together with their preceptors, teachers and ordaining sanghas, in commemoration of the 29-year anniversary of the revival of the Indian Theravada Bhikkhuni Sangha, and in celebration of the historic [re]establishment of the Theravada Bhikkhuni Sangha in mainland China. I rejoice in the merits of the blessed coming together of supportive friends of Dhammakhema Trust of Sri Lanka who have made this possible, together with the many merits of my co-editor Ven Nimmala Bhikkhuni, and of Claralynn of Friends of the Early Buddhist Teachers for her constant encouragement in offering this printing.
This Fourth Edition has further corrections to both the original Pali and English translation, based on our collective growth in knowledge over the past decade. It also contains new sections requested by the Bhikkhuni users, including “Reciting the Patimokkha in Brief” and “Disposal of Funds”.
January 30-31, 2019
Keeping the social messages of the Buddha and its role for gender equality in mind, the Maha Bodhi Society of India has decided to organize the 2nd Global Conference on BUDDHISM AND WOMEN’S LIBERATION from 30th to 31st January, 2019 at MBSI Buddhagaya Centre to discuss and deliberate upon diverse roles played by Women. Topics pertaining to Women’s Liberation in other religious doctrines and practices are also welcome. This conference will also pay our heartiest tribute to the great Bhikkhuni personalities, who took much pain and hardship to initiate and propagate the Dhamma to this stage.
We taught our annual New Year’s Retreat at Applegate Jesuit Retreat Center again this year and we are very happy with the venue and the kindness and helpfulness of the staff there. Ven Dhammadipa was part of our teaching team for the first time, giving the sangha a chance to get to know her and listen to her sharing the Dhamma. We enjoyed working together and are very pleased with the positive and encouraging feedback we received from the yogis.
Female Buddhist Monastics in Thailand Continue to Fight for Equality
Article on Buddhistdoor Global
Unswayed by institutional opposition and ingrained indifference, female Buddhist monastics in Thailand continue to fight for their right to practice Buddhism in the Theravada ascetic tradition. Perhaps the most prominent figure in this movement is 79-year-old Dhammananda Bhikkhuni, head of Songdhammakalyani Monastery, who has witnessed a growing number of Thai Buddhist women seeking full ordination in the spirit of the fourfold sangha* established by Shakyamuni Buddha, with the help of Buddhist communities overseas—usually in India and Sri Lanka.
2019 Bhikkhuni
Ayya Anandabodhi’s US Naturalization
On November 7, Ayya Anandabodhi and Ayya Santacitta had their interviews to become US citizens and we were both approved. Ayya Santacitta is still awaiting her date for Naturalization, while Ayya Anandabodhi’s went through a little more quickly and on November 20 she joined 579 people from 64 countries for the oath Ceremony in Sacramento.
Having this opportunity to become a citizen of the United States brought up strong feelings of gratitude for the respect, support and kindness received over these 10 years, from so many American people who have supported the vision of Aloka Vihara Forest Monastery. Thank you to each of you from the depths of my heart.
Read about this and more in Aloka Vihara’s Dec 3-23 Newsletter.
News from the Anukampa Bhikkhuni Project
Read the latest news from Anukampa which includes a report about Ajahn Brahm’s 4th UK tour and his visit to Ankuampa’s residence.
Read Aloka Vihara’s latest newsletter with this news and more.
Read the newsletter
News from Aloka Vihara
In Aloka Vihara’s latest newsletter they report on their 10th Anniversary and Kathina Celebration held on October 27th:
Read the newsletter
New book by Ayya Anandabodhi Bhikkhuni and Ayya Santacitta Bhikkhuni
This new book, Leaving It All Behind, Dhamma Talks from the nuns at Āloka Vihāra Forest Monastery, has been published on the ten-year anniversary of Aloka Vihara (now Aloka Vihara Forest Monastery).
Download a pdf on Aloka Vihara’s website.
Update on Fires and California Monasteries
On Oct. 30th we received this report from Erika Bartlett who is visiting Aloka Vihara.
The nuns from Dhammadharini’s Aranya Bodhi Hermitage have evacuated due to heavy smoke conditions, and are staying at Aloka Vihara Monastery nearly 200 miles away. As of this writing, Dhammadharini Monastery is also threatened by smoke and fire conditions, and the remaining nuns at the property are standing by to evacuate should that order be given.
Aloka Vihara currently has 10 nuns and 4 lay supporters staying there, for a total of 14 people. A prolonged high wind event has left the Vihara without power, and they are relying on intermittent use of their generator to keep the many temporary residents well fed and as comfortable as possible under the circumstances.
In a Dhamma reflection, Venerable Ayya Tathaaloka remarked that the uncertain conditions reflect an element of the Bhikkhuni sangha itself; there are moments when it all seems subject to burning up or blowing away. But despite these times of uncertainly, the community remains grounded through the compassion of each Bhikkhuni for her sister in times of need, and through the care and generosity of lay supporters.
Update from Karuṇā Sevena in the Czech Republic
Ivona Swan, President of Karuṇā Sevena recently updated us on the roof repair at the monastery. She writes, “Just this past week, the replacement of the roof of Viveka (house for accommodation for visitors) has been completed. How exciting! Despite some problems at the beginning, the repair went very well and smoothly, the contractors were working very hard and the result is very nice. The roof had leaks and the basement of Viveka was getting moldy as a result so this replacement helped tremendously. Eventually, we would like to convert the attic space to rooms or sections for accommodating visitors, if we are able to secure the funds in the future. That way the capacity of accommodation would increase.”
October 22, 2019 was the 10th Anniversary of the first Bhikkhuni Ordinations in Perth, Australia with Ayya Tathaaloka and Ajahn Brahm!
Read “Why Not? An Interview with Ajahn Brahm on Bhikkhuni Ordination”. This is a full transcript of an interview by Nissara Horayangura with Ajahn Brahm. An excerpt was published in the Bangkok Post – 28th April, 2009.
From Ven. Canda:
This photo is from Venerable Canda’s facebook page. She writes:
From four Bhikkhunis at Dhammasara to many: Ven Hasapanna Theri is shown here to my left, one of the first four courageous women to ordain 10 years ago today, despite pressure from some quarters to change her mind. Ven Ajahn’s Vayama, Nirodha and Seri now dwell at Patacara Bhikkhuni Hermitage and Santi FM, and there are Theravada Bhikkhunis in many other parts of the Western (and of course Eastern) world.
Aloka Vihara Nuns Participate in the Walk to Feed the Hungry
From the Aloka Vihara Newsletter:
The nuns of Aloka Vihara recently organized and participated in the Berkeley Walk to Feed the Hungry. (Click here to see photos from the Walk.) We’d like to extend our gratitude to all who played a part in that event. It was a big success. The Walk connected friends, old and new, including about 65 walkers. Together we raised more than $11,000 for Buddhist Global Relief. Thank you!
Read the October 22 – November 11 Newsletter
Kathina & 10th anniversary of Australia’s Theravada Bhikkhuni ordination
The Dhammasara Monastery in Western Australia will be holding a Kathina ceremony on Sunday, October 27, 2019. They will also be celebrating the 10th anniversary of the first Australian Theravada Bhikkhuni ordination. Ven. Vayama, Ven. Nirodha, Ven. Seri and Ven. Hasapañña were all ordained at this time.
BBC Names Dhammananda Bhikkhuni among 100 Influential Women of 2019
From the BuddhistDoor:
The BBC has named Dhammananda Bhikkhuni, Thailand’s first female monk, among its list of the world’s 100 most inspiring and influential women of 2019, which draws on the achievements and accomplishments of influential and notable women from across the globe.
Read Full Article
News from Aranya Bodhi
From Ayya Tathālokā 10/11/19
Gladly, this last weekend, the new walkway went up—many thanks to Ayya Sobhana, Stray Cat Dharma Oakland volunteers and those who made a donation for my birthday to the project. And we survived the high winds here at our hermitage without mishap these past couple of days, although Ayya Sobhana and our monastery might still be experiencing PG&E fire prevention power shutdown (including no internet).
We are happy and appreciative, doing the work of our hearts in the Dhamma.
Thank you to author, Cheryl Wilfong
We are very grateful for the very generous contribution to AfB from Cheryl Wilfong. We are very heartened to see such strong commitment to the development and growth of the bhikkhuni sangha. Thank you Cheryl!
Cheryl’s books include Breast Cancer Meets Mindfulness: Surrendering to Life and The Meditative Gardener.
Follow her on Facebook!
News from Aloka Vihara
From the October Newsletter:
Here at Aloka Vihara, the cicadas are singing their night song and the forest is flourishing after an unexpectedly early rain. In the midst of all the climate activism this week, nature continues its sanity and healing. On Sept 20th, we joined the Youth Strike at the State Capitol Building in Sacramento. Thankfully, momentum is gathering worldwide. As we (the human race) gradually remember that we are part of nature, not above it, we can become agents for healing and transformation of this precious Earth, instead of destroying it. The word “Dhamma” is often translated as “Nature” – pointing to the interbeing of all things, the truth of the way things are. May we learn again to live in alignment with Nature.
Read the full newsletter which includes upcoming events.
News from Charlotte Buddhist Vihara
From the Vihara October Newsletter:
Recently we celebrated a full moon day, or Poya, in conjunction with our annual recognition of Bhikkhuni Day (a day set aside to honor the full moon under which the first order of Buddhist nuns was ordained). Ayya Sudhamma spoke about the history of the bhikkhunis, we participated in chanting, meditation, and took Refuge and the Five Precepts, with some people taking the Eight Precepts. Then we performed a Buddha Puja (offering to the Buddha) and shared different foods in a potluck lunch, and socialized.
The Buddha strongly encouraged people to set aside certain lunar days for extra practice.
Upcoming events at the vihara can be found on their MeetUp page.
Aloka Vihara’s 10th Anniversary Celebration & Kathina Ceremony
Aloka Vihara will be celebrating its 10th Anniversary, as well as holding a Kathina Ceremony at the monastery on Sunday, October 27th
Download a flyer
Kathina Q&A
Update on the Nuns Initiative at Cloud Mountain
Cloud Mountain recently completed the second of the two retreats offered this year to inaugurate the Nuns Initiative: a 10-day retreat led by ex-siladharas Willa Thaniya Reid and Elizabeth Day. The flavor of their monastic practice and their own devotion to the Dhamma permeated the retreat, making it a very powerful experience for those attending.
Download an update on the initiative
Fourth Edition of the Bhikkhunī Pātimokkha, published, August 2019
From the Forward:
This edition of the Pāli Bhikkhunī Pātimokkha is intended for practical usage by bhikkhunīs. It aims to provide the minimum of essential information for the pure observance of the fortnightly uposatha.
The first edition was originally compiled for the occasion of the 2008 Bhikkhunī Seminar at Santi Forest Monastery, Australia. Now in 2019, more than ten years later, the number of Theravāda bhikkhunīs east and west has greatly increased.
The uposatha, and especially the recitation of the disciplinary code that forms the heart of the ceremony, is an outstanding feature of Buddhist monastic life. It is the fundamental expression of unity and harmony within the monastic Saṅgha. In the Theravādin school, the bhikkhus regularly recite the Pātimokkha by heart in Pāli. As the Bhikkhunī Saṅgha becomes established within the Theravāda, the need grows for a convenient handbook that can be used by bhikkhunīs.
News from Sati Saraniya Hermitage
From the September Newsletter:
On Sunday, September 15, 2019, please join us for a day of gratitude. We will honour our great Dhamma grandmother, Arahant Mahāpajāpatī Gotamī, the Buddha’s aunt and surrogate mother, on the anniversary of her ordination as the first bhikkhunī.
We will also be celebrating the 70th birthday of our Sati Sārāṇīya Dhamma mother, Ayyā Medhānandī, as well as our 11th anniversary, including 10 years here, in the forests and fields of Tay Valley Township, Ontario.
Read the newsletter
New Hermitage for Karuna Buddhist Vihara
From the Karuna Buddhist Vihara website:
A member of our community had the wish to give the nuns of KBV, as well as KBV’s lay community, the space to spend time deepening their practice in a peaceful natural setting conducive to meditation and contemplation–just as the Buddha prescribed. Thanks to her generosity, and the generosity of many others, we have now purchased this beautiful forest hermitage on 14 acres in the Santa Cruz mountains, only a 45 minute drive from the current Vihara.
As with any new property, there will be much to do in order for us to fully utilize the space. Aside from generator and solar panel upgrades and a few repairs for the cabin, we would like to eventually build platforms for camping tents, kutis, and a main yurt for residents to practice in. Many hands would help the vision come to fruition. Financial contributions specifically for the hermitage can be made through the methods on our donations page, and useful items can currently be found on the kathina dana list. All donations are fully tax deductible.
AfB donated $2000 towards the hermitage.
New Article by Tathālokā Bhikkhunī
Read the full article
AfB’s Former President Takes Anagarika Precepts!
We are happy to report that Tracy Van Zandt, our former president, took Anagarika Precepts on July 14th at Dhammadharini Monastery. We congratulate and wish her the very best as she experiences her new life as an Anagarika!
Watch a video of Tracy and her haircutting >>
Long-term Lay Resident Caretaker Needed at Mahapajapati Monastery
From Mahapajapati Monastery:
In light of the recent expansion of Mahapajapati Monastery, we are expecting an increase in both monastic and lay visitors in addition to a general increased level of activity.
We are looking for a lay person who wishes to deepen understanding and practice of Buddhism by living in a monastic setting. Long term residents will take part in the life of the community with regular periods of meditation, work, chores and occasional solitary retreat time.
Applicants should be female and have basic experience of meditation and mindfulness practice. You should be able to work independently but also be willing to take direction from the Abbess.
Read the full description
News from Anukampa
This newsletter includes information on Ajahn Brahm’s talk at the ‘After Mindfulness’ Global Conference on Buddhism at Berkeley on June 29th and 30th.
Click here for a video of Ajahn Brahm on support for Anukampa at this conference.
Also included in the newsletter is an interview by Ven.Canda with Ajahn Brahm on his reception of the Queens Award for Gender Equity.
Read the newsletter >>
Bhikkhunis at the Global Buddhist Conference in Berkeley
From Aloka Vihara’s website:
Join us for the Global Buddhist Conference on the UC Berkeley campus, on the last weekend in June! Ayya Anandabodhi, together with nuns from Dhammadharini and Karuna Buddhist Vihara, will be signing a recently published book with teachings by contemporary bhikkhunis, “Let the Light Shine.” A teaching by Ayya Santacitta is also included in the book. Ven. Dhammadipa will be in attendance at the Conference too, connecting folks with the Buddhist Global Relief and the Berkeley Walk to Feed the Hungry. More
Good news!! Thinking of going to the upcoming ‘After Mindfulness’ Global Conference on Buddhism at Berkeley on June 29th and 30th, https://www.aftermindfulness.org? Here’s something to encourage you to attend the event!
Since Alliance for Bhikkhunis will be ‘manning’ a tent at the event, we have been given a Promo Code to share with our readers and community to give you 10% off your ticket for the event.
Go to the registration link: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/after-mindfulness-urban-retreat-registration-47961501141
Click on Register
Look at the top right for ‘Enter Promo Code’
Enter promo code ABGCB for 10% discount
The event has a lot to offer! Venerable Ajahn Brahm, Ven. Lekshe Tsomo, Ayya Tathaaloka, and many more speakers and activities. Please stop by the tent and say hello! Hope to see you there!!
New Article on the Therigatha
From Scroll.in:
From depression and loss to motherhood and menopause, the short verses in the ‘Therigatha’ date back millennia but deal with timeless concerns.
Read the article
News from Anukampa
Read the latest newsletter from Anukampa with information on a UK tour with Ajahn Brahm, retreats with Venerable Canda, an update on the progression of establishing a Forest Monastery and more.
Read the newsletter
Bhikkhuni Retreats at Cloud Mountain
Cloud Mountain is a Buddhist retreat center, 125 miles south of Seattle, WA and 60 miles north of Portland, OR. Starting this year, Cloud Mountain is offering quite a few retreats with bhikkhunis and ex-nuns in order to provide a forum for the extraordinary depth of realization and understanding that exists within the women’s monastic and ex-monastic community.
Cloud Mountain Bhikkhuni Retreat Schedule:
June 7 – 14, 2019, with Ven. Ayyas Santacitta and Santussika (dana-based for teachers and also retreat center) More information and registration
July 26 – August 5, 2019, with Willa Thaniya Reid (formerly Ven. Thaniya) and Elizabeth Day (formerly Ven. Cittamani)
May 22 – 28, 2020, with Ven. Ayya Medhanandi (dana-based for teachers and also retreat center)
August 14 – 27, 2020, with Amma Thanasanti (recently returned to lay life)
October 30 – November 4, 2020, with Ven. Ayya Sobhana (dana-based for teachers and also retreat center)
News from Sati Sāraniya Hermitage
On this Mother’s Day, May 12, 2019, near the time of Vesakh, the community at Sati Sāraniya Hermitage conducted an ordination ceremony for Anagārikā Jayasārā (Eleonora Monti) who came to support our Winter Retreat after serving at Amaravati and Chithurst Buddhist monasteries in the UK during 2016-2019.
We were deeply honoured to have Ajahn Candasiri with us for the occasion and to share this joyous time with many of our supporters. We were also fortunate to hear Ajahn Candasiri, who has 40 years of monastic experience, offer a most uplifting and inspiring Dhamma talk to us all in honour of this day which would have been her own mother’s 100th birthday.
With metta from,
The nuns’ community
What’s After Mindfulness: A Gathering of Sharing and Giving
June 29-30, 2019
This gathering will be held at the UC Berkeley campus and will explore how Buddhist teachings empower us to find our voice and true happiness for the greater good of our global family. Teachers from diverse traditions, backgrounds, and locations around the world will join together to share their own insights and personal stories, each bringing a unique perspective on how we can move beyond mindfulness alone to something greater. Among the many noted speakers will be Ajahn Brahm and Ayya Tathaloka.
In addition, there will be concerts, yoga and meditation classes and much more.
The Alliance for Bhikkhunis will have a tent at the event. We look forward to seeing you there!
More >>
Vesak Celebrations
Vesak celebrates the birth, Awakening and Parinibbana (death) of the Buddha.
Aloka Vihara
Saturday May 18, 2019
Please arrive either for the meal at 11:45 am (bring a vegetarian dish to share) or at 1:30 pm for chanting, meditation, Dhamma Sharing & Buddha Bathing Ceremony. There will be Tea & Discussion at 5 pm at the end of the afternoon.
Charlotte Buddhist Vihara
Saturday May 18, 2019
9 AM: “Awakening of a Buddha” – talk by Ayya Sudhamma
10:30 AM: Break, short meditation, prep for Puja & Potluck Lunch
11:30 AM: Puja chanting
Noon Lunch (You are invited to bring a food item to contribute to the pot luck lunch)
1:00 PM: “Arising & Passing of the Buddha’s Life” – talk by Ayya Sudhamma
May 18-19
Two Vesak events with Venerable Sayadaw U Jagara
During this Vesak month there will be two wonderful Dhamma events with Sayadaw U Jagara: A daylong retreat on Saturday May 18, and the Vesak celebration on Sunday May 19.
Vesak Full Moon Daylong Retreat
Saturday, May 18, 2019
Led by Sayadaw U Jagara
“Recollection of the Buddha”
Celebrate Vesak – Buddha Day
Sunday May 19, 2019, at Dhammadharini Monastery with special guest speaker Sayadaw U Jagara
Welcome to come for all or part of the day 9:00 to 3:30 with a talk by Sayadaw U Jagara at 2:00
More >>
Karuna Buddhist Vihara
Sunday, May 26
New Buddha Statue Consecration Ceremony and Vesak Celebration
10:00 am – 1:30 pm
11:00 am vegetarian potluck meal offering
at Karuna Buddhist Vihara
Karuna Sevena, Czech Republic
Saturday 18th of May 2019, from 9am
Karuṇā Sevena will host our residing venerable bhikkhunī Visuddhi therī.
It is an ancient tradition to donate gifts to monks and nuns on the Vesākha celebration. This act of your generosity (dāna) brings better life conditions for the monastic Saṅgha, helps to your own feelings of joy and leads to your better kamma.
More >>
Santi Forest Monastery, Australia
Sunday 26th May
Download the program >>
Anagārikā Ordination at Sati Saraniya
Update from Sati Saraniya Hermitage:
On mother’s day, May 12, 2019, we invite you to an anagārikā (postulant) ordination. Eleonora Monti of Milano, Italy, is aspiring for the monastic life. With shaved head and wearing white robes, she will formally go forth from home to homelessness to take up the training as Anagārikā Jayadevā here at Sati Sārāņīya Hermitage.
Eleonora came to Canada for the first time this year after serving the Sangha at Amaravati Buddhist Monastery in England for two and a half years. We welcome you to join us for this auspicious day.
Rice offering food to the Sangha & blessing chant
Potluck meal
Ordination ceremony, chanting & Dhamma talk
Newsletter from Aloka Vihara Forest Monastery
Newsletter written after a 3-month winter retreat. It includes a list of upcoming events.
Read the Newsletter >>
News from Tilorien Monastery
This is the latest newsletter from Tilorien Monastery. Read about their open house on May 5th, Bhante Sujato’s tour of Europe, a new chanting book and a screening of the new film, “Bhikkhunī – Buddhism, Sri Lanka, Revolution”.
Read the newsletter >>
Article on American Theravada in Lion’s Roar
An article on American Theravada in the 21st Century, with a prominent section on the bhikkhuni lineage, is now live on Lion’s Roar https://www.lionsroar.com/theravada-buddhism-america/ Mention is also made of AfB.
Construction at Mahāpajāpati Monastery
There are plans for two new construction projects at the monastery. The first will provide living quarters for Ayya Gunasari, living and dining rooms and a small reception area/library. The second project is a meditation hall that will accommodate 35 meditators
Bodhgaya International Theravada Bhikkhuni Ordination
On the 28th and 29th of January 2019, with the patronage and support of the Mahabodhi Society of India Bodhgaya, the first International All Theravada Bhikkhuni Ordination was held in Bodhgaya, the site of the Buddha’s Great Awakening more than 2600 years ago. Twenty-four women novices (samaneri, sikkhamana) from various countries were granted higher ordination and fully accepted as Bhikkhunis by the Dual Sangha of Bhikkhus and Bhikkhunis.
More >>
Landslide at Aranya Bodhi Hermitage
From Friends of Dhammadharini:
A friend of our community, learning about the landslide on our hermitage access road, has very kindly offered an $8K match grant to all those who would like to join in being a part of offering help and support together from afar for “Hermitage Storm Damage”. “Anumodana Sadhu!” to this kind donor!
This is for all kinds of work related to storm damage at our Aranya Bodhi Awakening Forest Hermitage, like bolstering the slide and fixing the bridge, as well as preventing further damage, like protecting trees getting ready to fall on a kuti or access road, re/establishing drainage, or protecting the access road from collapsing, etc.
If you’d like to make a donation towards the $8K match grant, you can go to our Dhammadharini Support Foundation donations page. We invite you to please send a quick note to the hermitage email or a text to +1 707-583-9523 to let know about your donation, so knowing about your support, work can begin as soon as possible. Thanks so much and anumodana! Sending metta and good wishes also welcome :).
Videos of the International Bhikkhuni Ordination in Bodhgaya
Jan 28-29, 2019
View the large collection of videos from this event here
Full 2019 Schedule for The Charlotte Buddhist Vihara
Aloka Vihara’s 10th Anniversary!
The end of 2019 marks the 10th anniversary of the founding of Aloka Vihara.
From Aloka Vihara’s February newsletter:
As part of the 10th Anniversary, we’re looking forward to sharing a new book of teachings from Ayya Santacitta and Ayya Anandabodhi. This free-distribution book will be the first publishing of teachings by the Aloka Vihara nuns.
Our plan is to have it completed and printed in time for the Kathina Ceremony & 10th Anniversary gathering in late October. We have a wonderful team working on the project and are looking for help to cover the costs of printing.
If you would like to offer a donation to support this effort, please click here.
In Memory of Bhikkhuni Visuddhisaddha
From Ven Bhikkhuni Lieu Phap Viditadhamma Theri:
We are very sad to inform you that Ven. Bhikkhuni Visuddhisaddhā has passed away after months of serious sickness in our Sunnata Bhikkhuni Arama at 6pm today, Jan 21, 2019. Let us share our merits to her so that she may be reborn in good realm, and may fulfill her ultimate goal of enlightenment and Nibbāna. Namo Buddhāya!
From Tathālokā Bhikkhunī
Ven Visuddhisaddha was one of the first of the second generation of contemporary Theravada bhikkhunis in South Vietnam, and has been of great service to the reappearance of the Theravada Bhikkhuni Sangha in South Vietnam.
Bhikkhuni Patimokkha Fourth Edition
From Ayya Tathaloka, January 25, 2019
It is my humble joy to see in this morning’s sunlight the fruits of our past years’ labors manifest here in the first printing of Bhikkhuni Patimokkha Fourth Edition. This first printing is to be offered to the new bhikkhunis to be ordained at the International Bhikkhuni Ordination in Bodhgaya Jan 28-29, together with their preceptors, teachers and ordaining sanghas, in commemoration of the 29-year anniversary of the revival of the Indian Theravada Bhikkhuni Sangha, and in celebration of the historic [re]establishment of the Theravada Bhikkhuni Sangha in mainland China. I rejoice in the merits of the blessed coming together of supportive friends of Dhammakhema Trust of Sri Lanka who have made this possible, together with the many merits of my co-editor Ven Nimmala Bhikkhuni, and of Claralynn of Friends of the Early Buddhist Teachers for her constant encouragement in offering this printing.
This Fourth Edition has further corrections to both the original Pali and English translation, based on our collective growth in knowledge over the past decade. It also contains new sections requested by the Bhikkhuni users, including “Reciting the Patimokkha in Brief” and “Disposal of Funds”.
January 30-31, 2019
Keeping the social messages of the Buddha and its role for gender equality in mind, the Maha Bodhi Society of India has decided to organize the 2nd Global Conference on BUDDHISM AND WOMEN’S LIBERATION from 30th to 31st January, 2019 at MBSI Buddhagaya Centre to discuss and deliberate upon diverse roles played by Women. Topics pertaining to Women’s Liberation in other religious doctrines and practices are also welcome. This conference will also pay our heartiest tribute to the great Bhikkhuni personalities, who took much pain and hardship to initiate and propagate the Dhamma to this stage.
More >>
Latest News from Aloka Vihara
Form Aloka Vihara’s January 2019 Newsletter
We taught our annual New Year’s Retreat at Applegate Jesuit Retreat Center again this year and we are very happy with the venue and the kindness and helpfulness of the staff there. Ven Dhammadipa was part of our teaching team for the first time, giving the sangha a chance to get to know her and listen to her sharing the Dhamma. We enjoyed working together and are very pleased with the positive and encouraging feedback we received from the yogis.
Read the full newsletter >>
Female Buddhist Monastics in Thailand Continue to Fight for Equality
Article on Buddhistdoor Global
Unswayed by institutional opposition and ingrained indifference, female Buddhist monastics in Thailand continue to fight for their right to practice Buddhism in the Theravada ascetic tradition. Perhaps the most prominent figure in this movement is 79-year-old Dhammananda Bhikkhuni, head of Songdhammakalyani Monastery, who has witnessed a growing number of Thai Buddhist women seeking full ordination in the spirit of the fourfold sangha* established by Shakyamuni Buddha, with the help of Buddhist communities overseas—usually in India and Sri Lanka.
Read the full article >>