Celebrate Gotami Vihara Society’s Annual International Bhikkhuni Day
The Support Network for Women Renunciants in Malaysia and Singapore was established to help improve the conditions for Theravada nuns residing in these countries (regardless of nationality).
They celebrated the 5th International Bhikkhuni Day on September 27, 2015. More >>
Awakening Truth Alms Giving/Bhikkhuni Day celebration in Colorado – October 11
Amma Thanasanti Bhikkhun
You are invited to participate in the wassana alms giving and the celebration of the International Bhikkhuni day.
This will be a great opportunity for all who appreciate the Sangha to come together, affirm refuges and precepts, share and discuss Dhamma, meditate and to feel the joy of generosity by offering support so that Bhikkhunis have basic needs for their viharas.
This event is a rare opportunity to meet and get blessings from the only Theravada Bhikkhunis in all of the Four Corners and Mid Western states. More >>
Aloka Vihara in Placerville, California
On International Bhikkhuni Day, September 12th, from 10:30 am to 3:00 pm there was an almsgiving ceremony at Aloka Vihara Monastery in Placerville, California.
From Emily and Mindy of Friends of Aloka Vihara: It was a beautiful celebration of generosity and community. Despite the smoke from wildfires burning in the area and warm temperatures, more than 50 lay people gathered, along with five bhikkhunis and three anagarikas for this year’s ceremony. More >>
Sati Saraniya Hermitage in Ontario, Canada
Anagārikā Acalā (Naomi Brown), from the UK, when she took the eight precepts as an anagārikā
On The International Bhikkhuni Day weekend, Anagarika Acala took life vows as a ten-precept nun (samaneri) at Sati Saraniya Hermitage in Perth, Ontario, Canada.
Anagarika Acala is from the UK and has been training with at Sati Saraniya Hermitage for more than a year. She has quickly gained the respect and admiration of all who have come to know her and has become a treasured member of the community. With her decision to take the samaneri training, she will deepen her commitment to the Path of Awakening by renouncing money and living as an alms-mendicant, wholly reliant on the kindness of the lay community for her requisites.
Aranya Bodhi Awakening Forest Hermitage, California
Michelle stating her aspiration and receiving the Pali name Anenjañani at Dhammadharini Vihara in June
We are planning for the Pabbajja on the September Full Moon here at our Aranya Bodhi Awakening Forest Hermitage, where Anagarika Anenja has been staying and training for the past year with us as an anagarika. We have been delighted to see her transformation in the monastic training during this time. Some of you may remember back in June when she publicly announced her hopes and aspirations to go ahead in the training towards pabbajja and bhikkhuni ordination. On that day, she received the Pali name “Anenjañani.”
This event was held at a Zen retreat center (not far from the Vihara) nestled in 28 beautiful acres of woods. A lovely oasis in the city!
“We will enjoy the woods as much as weather conditions will allow. Today’s meditation program is associated with Alliance for Bhikkhuni’s 5th International Bhikkhuni Day (IBD) with this year’s focus on ecology (Eco Dhamma).”
Northeastern University Buddhist Group in Boston, Massachusetts
The Northeastern University Buddhist Group celebrated the 5th annual International Bhikkhuni Day on September 15. It was the 2nd year in a row that the Northeastern University Buddhist Group observed the day. 33 students attended and the conversation was rich and lively.
After an initial welcome, overview of IBD, and introductions, Northeastern Buddhist Spiritual Advisor, Harrison Blum, led a brief centering meditation and overview the story of Sujata. Attendees then read an excerpt from an interview with Bhikkhuni Thanasanti on climate change, followed by the screening of an 8 minute interview with Naomi Klein from Democracy Now about her book, This Changes Everything: Capitalism vs. The Climate. The remainder of the time was spent in small and then whole group discussions.
Photos from the Event
Dojo Zen Sanrin, Fossano, Italy
From Rev. Doju D. Freire: In north Italy, at the Dharma center, Dojo Zen Sanrin, we will be happy to dedicate the zen meditation (zazen) and the sutra chanting to honour Sujata and, in this way, to humbly and joyful celebrate International Bhikkhuni Day.
It will occur on September 12th from 8:00 am until 11:00 am at the DOJO ZEN SANRIN – via don Minzoni 12, 12045 Fossano-CN, Italy.
Events Celebrating
the 5th International Bhikkhuni Day
A number of significant events are planned that coincide with and celebrate the 5th International Bhikkhuni Day. Contact us at info@bhikkhuni.net if you have events to add to this page.
Celebrate Gotami Vihara Society’s Annual International Bhikkhuni Day
The Support Network for Women Renunciants in Malaysia and Singapore was established to help improve the conditions for Theravada nuns residing in these countries (regardless of nationality).
They celebrated the 5th International Bhikkhuni Day on September 27, 2015. More >>
Awakening Truth Alms Giving/Bhikkhuni Day celebration in Colorado – October 11
You are invited to participate in the wassana alms giving and the celebration of the International Bhikkhuni day.
This will be a great opportunity for all who appreciate the Sangha to come together, affirm refuges and precepts, share and discuss Dhamma, meditate and to feel the joy of generosity by offering support so that Bhikkhunis have basic needs for their viharas.
This event is a rare opportunity to meet and get blessings from the only Theravada Bhikkhunis in all of the Four Corners and Mid Western states. More >>
Aloka Vihara in Placerville, California
On International Bhikkhuni Day, September 12th, from 10:30 am to 3:00 pm there was an almsgiving ceremony at Aloka Vihara Monastery in Placerville, California.
From Emily and Mindy of Friends of Aloka Vihara: It was a beautiful celebration of generosity and community. Despite the smoke from wildfires burning in the area and warm temperatures, more than 50 lay people gathered, along with five bhikkhunis and three anagarikas for this year’s ceremony. More >>
Sati Saraniya Hermitage in Ontario, Canada
On The International Bhikkhuni Day weekend, Anagarika Acala took life vows as a ten-precept nun (samaneri) at Sati Saraniya Hermitage in Perth, Ontario, Canada.
Anagarika Acala is from the UK and has been training with at Sati Saraniya Hermitage for more than a year. She has quickly gained the respect and admiration of all who have come to know her and has become a treasured member of the community. With her decision to take the samaneri training, she will deepen her commitment to the Path of Awakening by renouncing money and living as an alms-mendicant, wholly reliant on the kindness of the lay community for her requisites.
Aranya Bodhi Awakening Forest Hermitage, California
From Ayya Tathaaloka:
More >>
Charlotte Buddhist Vihara program for IBD
This event was held at a Zen retreat center (not far from the Vihara) nestled in 28 beautiful acres of woods. A lovely oasis in the city!
“We will enjoy the woods as much as weather conditions will allow. Today’s meditation program is associated with Alliance for Bhikkhuni’s 5th International Bhikkhuni Day (IBD) with this year’s focus on ecology (Eco Dhamma).”
More >>
Northeastern University Buddhist Group in Boston, Massachusetts
The Northeastern University Buddhist Group celebrated the 5th annual International Bhikkhuni Day on September 15. It was the 2nd year in a row that the Northeastern University Buddhist Group observed the day. 33 students attended and the conversation was rich and lively.
After an initial welcome, overview of IBD, and introductions, Northeastern Buddhist Spiritual Advisor, Harrison Blum, led a brief centering meditation and overview the story of Sujata. Attendees then read an excerpt from an interview with Bhikkhuni Thanasanti on climate change, followed by the screening of an 8 minute interview with Naomi Klein from Democracy Now about her book, This Changes Everything: Capitalism vs. The Climate. The remainder of the time was spent in small and then whole group discussions.
Photos from the Event
Dojo Zen Sanrin, Fossano, Italy
From Rev. Doju D. Freire: In north Italy, at the Dharma center, Dojo Zen Sanrin, we will be happy to dedicate the zen meditation (zazen) and the sutra chanting to honour Sujata and, in this way, to humbly and joyful celebrate International Bhikkhuni Day.
It will occur on September 12th from 8:00 am until 11:00 am at the DOJO ZEN SANRIN – via don Minzoni 12, 12045 Fossano-CN, Italy.