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Present December 2012

Archived Issue

December 2012 Installment

We extend a warm welcome to readers for this December installment of Present Magazine. As Present often attempts to do, we bridge the divide between the academic and the personal in this issue. We feature an important new research paper on an aspect of bhikkhuni history. And we offer two very personal narratives—one from a newly ordained bhikkhuni on her journey into monasticism and the other from a former nun of twenty-seven years on her experiences as a hospital chaplain. Finally, we include a review of a new book we believe the whole Fourfold Sangha will appreciate.Present magazine and its digital library are free offerings from the Alliance for Bhikkhunis. Know that your financial donations to AfB, as well as your volunteer efforts towards the magazine’s publication, are immensely appreciated. We especially want to thank volunteer designer Helen Geld for all her time spent making us look so good.We hope you enjoy reading our latest offerings!


1…Listening at the End of Life: An Interview with Tenzin Kiyosaki
A Tibetan Buddhist nun for twenty-seven years, Tenzin Kiyosaki (formerly Venerable Tenzin Kacho) brings her practice to the bedside working as a chaplain to those facing death.
by Sarah Conover

7…Lasting Inspiration
This substantive scriptural study looks into the guiding and determining mental and emotional states of liberated arahant women as expressed in the sacred biographies of the Therī Apadāna.
by Ayya Tathaaloka Bhikkhuni

25…What Buddhism Gave Me
A new bhikkhuni recounts her annual childhood visits to the Buddhist temple with her Thai mother and the depression of her young adulthood that drew her back to the Dhamma, and eventually to ordination.
by Munissara Bhikkhuni

To deepen Present’s niche, bringing you “the voices and activities of Theravada Buddhist women,” we need your help as scouts around the world. We warmly welcome your ideas, suggestions, feedback, and articles—features and reviews, academic and otherwise. Please drop us a line at

Present August 2012 Installment
December 2012 Installment
Download entire installment (1.8mb PDF)


31…Books Review: 
The Art of Disappearing: The Buddha’s Path to Lasting Joy

An inspiring guidebook on how to disengage from the ego and become a nobody.
By Ajahn Brahm
Reviewed by Caroline Starkey

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