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Present Spring 2010

Volume 3 | Issue 1


11…Welcome Good Branch, You are Not Unwelcome (505kb PDF)
Using the ancient bodhi tree as metaphor, the author explores the well-being of the fourfold sangha created by the Buddha.
By Anonymous

13…Buddhist Discrimination Against Women in Modern Burma (711kb PDF)
Saccavadi was one the of first two modern Burmese woman to ordain as a bhikkhuni. In this Present exclusive, she offers an inside look at her experience in robes, and at the discrimination ordained women face in Burma.
By Saccavadi Bricker

20…Take It or Leave It and the Ground Between (1.7mb PDF)
Recent events have charted the discrimination against female renunciates in Ajahn Chah’s Forest Tradition. Thanissara, one of the first women to ordain as a siladhara, examines Awakening and calls for an authentic dialogue for change.
By Thanissara Mary Weinberg

29…Archetyping and the Language of Personhood in the Mātugāmasamyutta(748kb PDF)
Map: A re-examination of the Mātugāmasamyutta, the “Connected Discourses on Women,” outlines archetyping paths for women and men based on equality—not oppression.
By Marcia Pimentel

34…The Badhudhātuka-sutta and its Parallels on Women’s Inabilities (762kb PDF)
Eminent scholar Ven. Anālayo presents a comparative study of the Bahudhātuka-sutta, examining the question of whether a woman can be a Buddha.
By Anālayo Bhikkhu

Present-Spring-2010-smSpring 2010 | Volume 3 | Issue 1

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4…President’s Letter (510kb PDF)
On the revival of the Bhikkhuni Sangha

6…Noteworthy (523kb PDF)
News in Brief

9…Books in Brief (550kb PDF)
Dignity and Discipline, edited by Jampa Tsedroen and Thea Mohr

Abstract: The Four Assemblies and the Foundation of the Order of Nuns by Anālayo Bhikkhu

10…Poetry (522kb PDF)
Bhikkhuni-Samyutta: Soma

47…Poetry (534kb PDF)
Bhikkhuni-Samyutta: Uppalavanna

48…Bhikkhuni Directory (523kb PDF)
International listing of bhikkhuni centers

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