Agenda for the 6th International Bhikkhuni Day

Celebrating the 2600 Anniversary
of the Bhikkhuni Sangha
To assist you with your IBD event, we have created a suggested agenda. We hope this will give you ideas on how to present the celebration of the 2600th Anniversary of the Bhikkhuni Sangha. Please feel free to change and use your own ideas.
Suggested time – approximately 9:30 – 1:00
9:30 Welcome and introduction to the day.
You may refer to the information at
9:40 Guided meditation by Ayya Tathaaloka – about 37 minutes
10:20 Break
10:30 PowerPoint Presentation
This is an excellent, informative history of bhikkhunis from its beginnings to the current day by Donna McCarthy.
Download PPT here >>
Note: This ppt is 11MB so may take some time to download
11:15 Q&A, discussion
11:30 Break
11:45 Video – A New Beginning*
This video is about Ayyas Anandabodhi and Santacitta taking leave of the Siladhara order, ordaining and starting a new monastery for women. Although it is four years old, and they have since moved, it is a very personal story and makes them easy to see as people.
12:00 Discussion
Some sample questions:
- Discuss a time or event when you were especially moved by a video, talk or personal experience with a bhikkhuni. How has this encounter made a difference in your life?
- How do you feel bhikkhunis are making a difference in this world today?
- What can you do to support the growth of the bhikkhuni sangha?
The Buddha’s Forgotten Nuns
This video was directed by Wiriya Sati who traveled to monasteries in Thailand, UK, U.S.A. and Australia investigating the issues of ordaining as a bhikkhkuni in the Theravada tradition.
12:55 Closing comments
The location of a dana basket could be mentioned
* The full chant by Mei Zeki at the beginning of “A New Beginning” can be found at
The words to the chant in Pali and English can be printed and are at:
Agenda for the 6th International Bhikkhuni Day
Celebrating the 2600 Anniversary
of the Bhikkhuni Sangha
To assist you with your IBD event, we have created a suggested agenda. We hope this will give you ideas on how to present the celebration of the 2600th Anniversary of the Bhikkhuni Sangha. Please feel free to change and use your own ideas.
Suggested time – approximately 9:30 – 1:00
9:30 Welcome and introduction to the day.
You may refer to the information at
9:40 Guided meditation by Ayya Tathaaloka – about 37 minutes
10:20 Break
10:30 PowerPoint Presentation
This is an excellent, informative history of bhikkhunis from its beginnings to the current day by Donna McCarthy.
Download PPT here >>
Note: This ppt is 11MB so may take some time to download
11:15 Q&A, discussion
11:30 Break
11:45 Video – A New Beginning*
This video is about Ayyas Anandabodhi and Santacitta taking leave of the Siladhara order, ordaining and starting a new monastery for women. Although it is four years old, and they have since moved, it is a very personal story and makes them easy to see as people.
12:00 Discussion
Some sample questions:
The Buddha’s Forgotten Nuns
This video was directed by Wiriya Sati who traveled to monasteries in Thailand, UK, U.S.A. and Australia investigating the issues of ordaining as a bhikkhkuni in the Theravada tradition.
12:55 Closing comments
The location of a dana basket could be mentioned
* The full chant by Mei Zeki at the beginning of “A New Beginning” can be found at
The words to the chant in Pali and English can be printed and are at: