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Present August 2012

Archived Issue

August 2012 Installment

A number of changes are afoot for Present as our founding editor in chief, Susan Pembroke, retires and hands the reins to the magazine’s longtime editor Sarah Conover. We’ll now be publishing in shorter installments every few months and then gathering the year’s articles together into a larger annual issue.

In this August installment of Present, we’re continuing some traditions that we believe essential—such as a bhikkhuni interview, Dhamma teaching, and reviews—and introducing new ideas we hope to offer regularly. For example, you’ll find here a feature we’ve dubbed “Books & Bhikkhunis” in which a bhikkhuni offers a glimpse at her current reading list.

To deepen Present’s niche, bringing you “the voices and activities of Theravada Buddhist women,” we need your help as scouts around the world. We warmly welcome your ideas, suggestions, feedback, and articles—features and reviews, academic and otherwise. Please drop us a line at

We hope you enjoy reading our latest offerings!


1….The Great Inquiry: An Interview with Venerable Ayya Tathaaloka
A glimpse into the adventuresome and independent spirit that brought this pioneering Western bhikkhuni to the Buddhist path.
by Jacqueline Kramer

9…Earth Day Earth Witness
A teaching on becoming grounded in the elements and caring for our world.
by Ayya Tathaaloka Bhikkhuni

12…Can the Theravada Bhikkhuni Order Be Re-Established? It Already Has
A prominent American scholar-monk’s compassionate argument in favor of recognizing the re-established Bhikkhuni Sangha in Sri Lanka.z
by Ven. Bhikkhu Bodhi

15…Developments in Recent Sri Lankan Bhikkhuni History
Milestones marking Sri Lanka’s leadership in re-establishing the Bhikkhuni Order.
by Susan Pembroke


To deepen Present’s niche, bringing you “the voices and activities of Theravada Buddhist women,” we need your help as scouts around the world. We warmly welcome your ideas, suggestions, feedback, and articles—features and reviews, academic and otherwise. Please drop us a line at

December 2012 Installment

Download entire installment (1.8mb PDF)


16…Books & Bhikkhunis:
The Reading Habits of One Bhikkhuni
A list of inspiring writing and authors, both for pleasure and Dhamma study.
by Ayya Sudhamma Bhikkhuni

19…Film Review:
Blessings: The Tsoknyi Nangchen Nuns of Tibet
A documentary account of a transformative journey to the remote valley home of some 3,000 Tibetan nuns.
Directed by Victress Hitchcock
Reviewed by Kathy Jean Schultz

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