55 Rowland Way #1008 Novato, CA 94945

IBD Material

Below are some tools you can use to create an informative and transformative local retreat.  Please contact us  at if there are any materials you would like to share on this page.

      • Photo slideshow of a full monastic ordination ceremony of three Bhikkhunis at Spirit Rock Mediation Center on October 17, 2011.
      • Slideshow of Mahapajapati Monastery
              • Saranaloka video, “New Beginnings”:

                This 14 ½ minute video tells the story of a current sisterhood, of the story three Buddhist women monastics and the path they took to becoming bhikkhunis.  It is also the story of how a group of Buddhist lay practitioners brought these Theravada Buddhist nuns to the United States to teach, and to establish a training monastery for women. The video is a story of developing a place of respect and opportunity for nuns.

              • The Buddha’s Forgotten Nuns

                Excellent documentary produced by the South Australian production company, Budaya Productions.  The director, Wiriya Sati, traveled to monasteries in Thailand, UK, U.S.A. and Australia investigating the issues of ordaining as a bhikkhkuni in the Theravada tradition.
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