55 Rowland Way #1008 Novato, CA 94945

Bhikkhuni Happenings 2017

News from Dakkhini Dhammatthala

Shrine room and first kuti where Anagarika Pasanna is living.

From Dakkhini Dhammatthala
With the help of our wonderful supporters, our second kuti is funded and under construction. Our hearts were touched with such gladness and joy in the goodness of these kind and generous people who responded to my request for funds in less than a week!

It will be used by visiting nuns this year. In the longer term we hope to build a community of resident nuns who will stay and practice and teach sharing the wonderful Dhamma with the people in South Australia. Both kutis are intended to be transportable, as we are tenants on this land. Ultimately we hope to move them to a forest monastery somewhere in the Adelaide hills one day when the time is right for us to have some forest acreage. This second kuti has been designed to be easily disassembled to make it much easier to move. Both kutis are on stumps as transportables rather than attaching them to the ground in the manner of a permanent structure.

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New Commemorative Edition of Present Magazine is Now Online!

Present Magazine
This year is an opportunity for us to step back and look at this remarkable history, as well as to remember that this sangha is composed of individual women, each of whom has a story which has brought her to the holy life. We are now pleased to announce that we are honoring both of these perspectives in a special Commemorative Edition of Present Magazine.

We hope that these stories will contribute to the strengthening and growth of the sangha, and encourage support for that growth. We invite you to read, enjoy, share with your friends, and hopefully be inspired!

Bhikkhunis Protest Palace Ban

Bhikkhuni protest
From the Bangkok Post

Dhammananda Bhikkhuni has lodged a petition with the Department of Women’s Affairs and Family Development (DWF) claiming she and a group of female monks were blocked from paying respects to the late King…

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New Article in the Lion’s Roar on the first nuns to earn “doctorates” of Tibetan Buddhism

Early in the morning, on the 22nd of December, in Mundgod, India, many monks, nuns, geshes and lay people gathered in profound silence at Drepung Monastery for a historic event. Twenty nuns from the Gelugpa school of Buddhism, from five different nunneries in India and Nepal, received their geshema degrees from the hands of the Dalai Lama himself.

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Latest news from Dakkhini Dhammatthala

New Nun
The bhikkhuni sangha is growing in Australia. Read about the Anagarika ceremony on New Year’s Eve and the finishing work on a new kuti.

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In Mahapajapati Gotami’s Footsteps: Seminar on the Leadership of Women in Buddhism


Sunday, February 26, 2017
Hosted by Dhammadharini Monastery
Penngrove, California

This is the third of four special Dhammadharini events celebrating the yearlong 2600th anniversary of Bhikkhuni Sangha, with a focus on the Arahant Bhikkhuni Mahapajapati Gotami, as the pathbreaker, leader, and mentor of the early women’s sangha. Her final Nirvana is associated with the February full moon.

Upcoming Events at Dhammadharini >>

Convergence of important anniversaries

February 2017 is also the 30-year Anniversary of the founding of the Sakyadhita International Association of Buddhist Women. Especially important for Theravada Buddhism, 2017 marks the 30-year Anniversary of the Revival of the Samaneri Pabbajja ordination for women in the Theravada tradition.

Registration for the Sakyadhita Conference opens on Jan. 1, 2017

Beginning January 1, 2017 you can register for the 15th Sakyadhita International Conference on Buddhist Women.

The conference will be held on June 22-28, 2016 in Hong Kong, China

The conference theme, “Contemporary Buddhist Women: Contemplation, Cultural Exchange & Social Action,” highlights the diversity of contemporary Buddhist women throughout the world.
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Auspicious New Years celebration – Anagarikā ceremony and Jhānathon

ceremonyThis New Years Eve will be the first for our community at Dakkhina Dhammatthala and we will be celebrating with two auspicious events.

Monastic aspirant, Michelle, will be taking initial steps towards the life of renunciation with her anagarikā ceremony. The Anagarikā stage is made available as a period of adjustment and usually last from 6 months to a year. It’s a period where the trainee is able to fully embrace the life of a monastic and benefit from a more pure simple existence.
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Sakyadhita USA 2017 Conference at University of the West

Register Now for the one-day Sakyadhita USA conference at University of the West, Saturday, April 1, 2017. UWest is located in the City of Rosemead, CA, about 15 miles east of Los Angeles. The theme of this conference is:

Diversity in the Dharma:
Buddhist Women Engage Race and Exclusionary Politics in America

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