Photos and report from Dojo Zen Sanrin in Fossano, Italy
From Rev. Doju Freire
On September 9th, here in North Italy, in the very small town called Fossano, at the Dojo Zen Sanrin ( we celebrated the 4th IBD. with love and joy. We did an offering with deep silent meditation, chanted the sutra of Prajnaparamita and the merits Dedication, followed by a short Dharma talk on the life story of the great Bhadda Kacchana Theri and, finally, did a closing in a Zen Italian style – very simple but full of joy and gratitude.

Photos and report from Dojo Zen Sanrin in Fossano, Italy
From Rev. Doju Freire
On September 9th, here in North Italy, in the very small town called Fossano, at the Dojo Zen Sanrin ( we celebrated the 4th IBD. with love and joy. We did an offering with deep silent meditation, chanted the sutra of Prajnaparamita and the merits Dedication, followed by a short Dharma talk on the life story of the great Bhadda Kacchana Theri and, finally, did a closing in a Zen Italian style – very simple but full of joy and gratitude.