55 Rowland Way #1008 Novato, CA 94945

Present Winter 2011

Volume 4 | Issue 1


4…If You Honor Me, Honor My Mother Gotami
With the revival of the Bhikkhuni Sangha, it is enriching to look back at the stories of the early bhikkhunis. We start this issue of Present with a fresh look at the story of the mother of bhikkhunis.
By Jacqueline Kramer

9…The 1st Annual International Bhikkhuni Day September 17, 2011 Meditation Pledge-A-Thon
FAQ on International Bhikkhuni Day.

11...Honoring and Celebrating Bhikkhunis and Laywomen
Why recalling the stories of laywomen and female monastics matters.
By Susan Pembroke

13…New Turns Toward Ancient Paths: the Ordinations in California
A kammacarini reflects on her experiences at two recent historic U.S. bhikkhuni ordinations.
By Ven. Bhikkhuni Sobhana

16…Bhikkhuni Education Today: Seeing Challenges As Opportunities
Education is essential if bhikkhunis are to become Dharma leaders.
By Ven. Bhikkhu Bodhi

21...Venerable Kusuma and the Power of Literacy Education
A pioneering bhikkhuni taps her education and language skills to reach across cultural differences and create the future for female monastics.
By Janice Tolman

24…Turning Back Towards Freedom
November 2007: The First Recitation of the Bhikkhuni Patimokkha within the Theravada Bhikkhuni Lineage in North America

Bhikkhunis who participated in this historic recitation talk about why the
Patimokkha remains vital in this day and age
By Roseanne Freese

33…Wearing White in the West
An intimate recounting of how taking eight precepts and wearing white
transformed a woman’s practice.
By Carudhamma Jo Ferris

Connected Discourses with Bhikkhunīs

Present-Summer-2011-smWinter 2011 | Volume 4 | Issue 1
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46…President’s Letter
To Do Our Work, We Need Your Help

News in Brief

Gotami’s Enlightenment Poem

54…An Interview with Joan Sutherland, Roshi
By Jacqueline Kramer

58…Film Review of
White Material
By Kathy Jean Schultz

60…Book Review of
Dignity and Discipline
By Roseanne Freese

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