55 Rowland Way #1008 Novato, CA 94945

Projects Funded in 2018

Monastic Medical Support

Medical care is one of the four requisites that the Buddha specified as required for living a monastic life.  (The others are food, clothing, and shelter).  We are currently covering health insurance for two bhikkhunis. In addition, we pay for other medical expenses not covered under their insurance. This year we also have supported another bhikkhuni’s health needs.

Support for Building Tilorien Monastery in Belgium

AfB has contributed $2400 towards the building of Tilorien Monastery. $1000 is for building kutis which will provide more seclusion for the monastics, and secondly, will make the bedrooms in the main building available for visitors. $400 is for general support and an additional $1000 goes towards creating the kitchen.

From the Tilorein website:
In April 2017, the humble beginnings of Tilorien Monastery were formed in the Belgian Ardennes. The Sangha still lived in very basic conditions, in a tree house and a tent in a kind supporter’s garden.

In October 2018, the monastery building was opened to the public and is now regularly hosting meditation group sits and other Dhamma activities. More >>

Contribute towards this project!

Support for New Temporary Bhikkhuni Residence at Anukampa

signing lease
Bhikkhuni Canda signing lease

AfB contributed $1000 towards the new bhikkhuni residence at Anukampa. They signed a lease on 29th November, for a three-bed property in Oxford, their first temporary “Bhikkhuni Residence.” This pivotal step is the outcome of three years of dedicated hard work and the many beautiful new spiritual friendships that have developed through serving in Dhamma together.

Support for New Zealand Bhikkhuni Trust

AfB donated $1000 towards the New Zealand Bhikkhuni Trust as seed funding for their Hermitage Project.

“We wish to support the presence of bhikkhunīs living, practicing and teaching in the Theravada tradition, as well as those training to become bhikkhunīs — for their deeper practice and study and for sharing their teachings and leading retreats — as an essential and beautiful part of the fullness of the Buddha’s Fourfold Assembly.”

More >>

Support for Dhammadharini and Aranya Bodhi

AfB has contributed $1200 towards Dhammadharini and Aranya Bodhi.

Ayya Tathaaloka writes, “This is very timely and helpful, as we are considering preparations for Vassa at both our locations, and also preparing Aranya Bodhi to be ready for our “open day” on our Hermitage’s 10th Anniversary Celebration on July 7th.”

Support for Roof Repair at Ārāma Karuṇā Sevena

AfB contributed $500 towards the repair of the roof at Viveka, an accommodation for monastic or lay visitors to the ārāma Karuṇā Sevena. There has been some serious leaking of rain water at Viveka and more funds are needed.

Support for Ayya Vimala’s travel

Ayya Vimala

AfB has donated $1500 for Ayya Vimala‘s travel from Belgium to California. She has been asked to teach an LGBT retreat in California and also hopes to spend some time at Mahapajapati with Ayya Gunasari

Support for Bhikkhuni Ordination in LA in March, 2018

AfB has contributed $400 towards the ordination in March.

From the Samita ASBL website:

We are very happy to announce that Ayya Kathrin Vimalañāṇī’s Bhikkhuni ordination will take place in March 2018 in Los Angeles, with Ayya Gunasari from Mahapajapati Monastery as her preceptor.

Thus Tilorien Monastery will soon have two bhikkhunis to support each other in their practice!

Ayya Kathrin has been a nun for over three years, living and practicing with communities on four continents. May her ordination be an inspiration to her and to many people!

Travel Expenses to the Western Buddhist Monastic Gathering

AfB contributed $960 for travel expenses for both Aggadhammagavesi Bhikkhuni and Sister Adhi to attend the Western Buddhist Monastic Gathering at Spirit Rock on October 15 – 19, 2018.

More about the Gathering >>

Retreat Travel Expenses for Ayya Kathrin Vimalanyani

AfB contributed $230 for Ayya Kathrin Vimalanyani’s travel expenses to the Czech Republic for a 10-day retreat with Ayya Visuddhi Bhikkhuni in December/January.

Ayya Kathrin Vimalanyani writes, “Ayya Visuddhi is a very inspiring and warm-hearted bhikkhuni and a great teacher. She is also one of the very few European Theravada bhikkhunis, so this trip would also serve as a networking opportunity for our tiny European community.”

Transportation Expenses for Ayya Adhimutti

AfB contributed $500 for airfare from Malaysia to Sri Lanka. She will be going mainly to be Ayya Tathaaloka’s attendant.

Transportation Expenses for Ayya Tathaaloka

AfB contributed $300 towards Ayya Tathaaloka’s travel to Nepal where she will give a Dhamma talk in Kathmandu.

Support for transportation to the 5th International Tipitika Chanting in Berkeley

AfB has contributed $326 towards transportation from Canada to Berkeley for Aggadhammagavesi Bhikkhuni to attend the International Tipitika Chanting event on September 29th-30th.

Support for Bhikkhunis Traveling to Kathina Celebration

AfB has contributed $100 towards transportation support for bhikkhunis to attend the kathina ceremony in Evergreen, CO.

Support for Transportation Expenses to Ordination

AfB contributed $200 towards transportation costs for monastics to attend the bhikkhuni ordination for Samaneri Cittananda on May 12, 2018.

On April 24, 2018 Ayya Santussika and Samaneri Cittananda wrote:

We received the dana for the upcoming ordination–anumodana! We so much appreciate the work you are doing to help the bhikkhuni sangha grow and flourish. It is humbling and heartening to have friends in the Dhamma supporting us as we work to awaken–not only for ourselves, but for all those who will benefit from the presence of fully ordained female monastics in the world.

Reconstruction of Bhikkhuni Center in Sri Lanka

Through our donors, AfB has contributed $1360 in 2018 to Padukka Mathika Matha Bhikkhuni Aramaya in Sri Lanka.

Additional funds are needed. Donate!.

General Support

Through generous donations, AfB contributed towards the general support of bhikkhuni monasteries this year.

Donation in Memory of Ayya Silavati

$200 donation to Bhante Sujato’s project, Sutta Central, on behalf of the nuns at Wisma Kuslayani in Indonesia, in memory of the late Ayya Silavati.

Ayya SilaAyya Tathaaloka writes:
Ayya Silavati, from Indonesia, ordained a bhikkhuni in the year 2000, was a participant in the seminal Bhikkhuni Seminar at Santi Forest Monastery in early 2008, and the groundbreaking first Bhikkhuni Ordinations at Bodhinyana Monastery in 2009, and continually offered her support up till the groundbreaking Bhikkhuni Ordinations in Indonesia in 2015. After that, her health failed. The Alliance for Bhikkhunis was a part of her support network for her medical treatment, enabling her to live another two years. Now she has passed from us, truly one of the groundbreakers and luminaries in the first wave of the revival of the Theravada Bhikkhuni Sangha.

Dhammasara New Kuti Project

Dhammasara kutiFrom Buddha’s Society of Western Australia’s Website:
Dhammasara Nuns community is growing rapidly as more and more women are interested to commit to live the monastic life.

We are excited to announce that Dhammasara community will be building 4 additional Kutis (Nuns Forest Huts) to accommodate the growing number of nuns in Theravada Forest Tradition.

These Kuti are simple 1-room dwelling with a covered walking meditation path attached, located in the surrounding forest.

A generous donor has contributed $4000 towards this project.