55 Rowland Way #1008 Novato, CA 94945

Projects Funded in 2020

Donations to Assist Nuns during COVID-19 Crisis

  • $11,557 to help nuns in Nagpur, India. These nuns, like all Indians of marginalised socio-economic status, are struggling with the lockdown right now.
  • $1000 to support Bhikkhuni Dhammadinna in Italy with the requisites. Bhikkhuni Dhammadinna is a key member of the Agama Research Group.
  • $500 to Anukampa to help towards rental costs during the COVID-19 crisis.
  • $2500 to the International Women’s Meditation Center Foundation in Thailand for bhikkhuni health expenses.
  • $4100 to 4 bhikkhunis in Thailand, some of whom are suffering from cancer and need more support.
  • $800 in support of Dhammadharini’s mortgage, basic monthly expenses and other designations as needed.
  • $2500 to be distributed equally to 7 nuns at Visakharamaya in the village of Galgamuwa at Veyangoda in Sri Lanka for health expenses and food.
  • $3800 to Karuna Sevena in the Czech Republic for medical and monastery needs.
  • $200 to Khemarama Nunnery in Vietnam

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Monastic Medical Support

Medical care is one of the four requisites that the Buddha specified as required for living a monastic life.  (The others are food, clothing, and shelter).  We are currently covering health insurance for one bhikkhuni.

The need is ongoing and we welcome your support for the monastic medical fund.

Donation in Honor of Ayya Sobhana’s Appointment as Bhikkhuni Preceptor

AfB contributed $1000 in honor of Ayya Sobhana’s Appointment as Bhikkhuni Preceptor to be used in support of any needs due to the wildfire situation or for general use as needed at Dhammadharini.

Purchase of Walkie-Talkies for Aranya Bodhi Hermitage

AfB purchased walkie-takes in the amount of $433 for Aranya Bodhi Hermitage which are needed during the fire season. Ayya Tathālokā writes, “These will be very helpful for our wildfire safety, to use during fire watches and evacuations.”

Donation to Dhammasara in Australia

AfB has donated $1000 for the repairing of kutis, installing heating/cooling systems, solar panels, and other needs of the bhikkhuni community.

Donations to Thailand

Hurricane Damage
  • AfB has donated $1500 to Bhikkhuni Kalayanee  in Thailand to help with repair to her kuti due to hurricane damage and for help with requisites.
  • We have contributed to the following bhikkhunis for requisites:
    • $500 to Bhikkhunis Dr. Lee and Rattanavali
    • $500 to Bhikkhuni Silasupatra
    • $200 to Bhikkhuni Anula
  • AfB has donated an additional $500 to the International Women’s Meditation Center Foundation in Thailand for indoor bathrooms in 2 kutis.  There are currently only outdoor bathrooms. An additional $500 was donated for requisite needs and general monastery expenses.

Donation for Hearing Aids

AfB has donated $1000 towards hearing aids for Ayya Gunasari of Mahapajapati Monastery.

Donation to Santi Forest Monastery after Fires

AfB donated $1000 to Santi Forest Monastery in Australia for repairs or conservation work that needs to be done as a result of the bushfires. An additional $50 was donated for general support by a generous donor.

Update from Ayya Jitindriya

We were fortunate not to lose any buildings at Santi, however, the property is quite a mess to sort through! About 90% of the 150 acres was burned through (back burning), so there are many fallen trees over roads and paths. Then, the flooding rains came right on the heal of the fires… They thankfully put the fires out, but also caused a fair bit of storm-water damage to the roads and paths, particularly in places where storm-water culverts had melted in the fire or had been blocked by burnt fallen tress and branches. So a bit of mess to clean up gradually, but we hope to get some govt. grant help with the fire related damage costs at least. Unfortunately roads are expensive to repair with heavy machinery involved: the first quote to come in is $41,000!

So, your generous donation is going to be put to good use indeed!

Support for Malaysia’s first Theravadan Bhikkhuni Nunnery

AfB has contributed $500 towards the establishment of Malaysia’s first Theravadan Bhikkhuni Nunnery In support of general construction.

In November 2019, Ariya Vihara in Malaysia was granted a plot of land by the Selangor State Government measuring 0.45 acres at Kwasa Damansara, which gives the opportunity to construct the 1st Malaysian Theravada Bhikkhuni Nunnery and a Dhamma Training Centre for families. The building will incorporate various facilities to cater for all Dhamma practitioners, including a Holistic and Natural Healing Centre.


Donation for Stupa

AfB and a generous donor has supported the building of a stupa at Carolina Buddhist Vihara in the amount of $115. Ayya Sudinna’s vision for this stupa is that it “would be a place where we can sit on benches, meditate, pay homage to the Buddha, Dhamma and Sangha and/or make offerings to our dearly departed.” More support is needed.

General Support

    Periodically AfB contributes towards the general support of bhikkhuni monasteries and centers. This year we sent:
  • $2000 to Karuna Sevena in the Czech Republic to assist with medical care and any requisites that are needed.
  • $1000 to Tilorien Monastery in Belgium to support any necessary expenses or requisite needs
  • $570 to Ayya Sudhamma Bhikkhuni, abbess of Charlotte Buddhist Vihara
  • $500 to the Galgamuwa Visakharamaya Charitable Trust in Sri Lanka for requisites of Bhikkhunis in the community as well as other general monastery expenses.
  • A generous donor contributed $1000 for general support to Dhammadharini Monastery and AfB contributed an additional $500.
  • This same donor also generously contributed $1000 to Aloka Vihara.