Projects Funded in 2021
Donations to Assist Nuns during COVID-19 Crisis
(Please note that all donations below are contributions from our general fund; any donations made to specific projects will automatically be sent alongside AfB’s additional contributions.)
- $2500 to Sri Dhamma Gaveshi Pirivena temple in Dehiaththakandiya, Sri Lanka
- $2000 to Mathika Matha Bhikkhuni Aramaya in Sri Lanka for the nuns’ requisites; $1000 will go to the monastery itself and $1000 will go to other bhikkhunis in need in the community.
- $3500 to Karuṇā Sevena for Ayya Visuddhi’s requisites and monastery upkeep.
- $2000 to Venerable Dhammadinnā in Italy for her requisites.
- $6000 to the Sakyadhita Foundation in Sri Lanka – to be distributed amongst bhikkhuni monasteries who are most in need.
- $1500 to senior bhikkhunis in Sri Lanka to support their basic requisite needs (this community has asked to remain anonymous; please contact us for more information regarding the recipients).
- $1000 to Venerable Adhimutti Bhikkhuni for flights back to New Zealand.
- $5000 to nuns in Nagpur, India to support their requisites.
- $913 to Venerable Adhimutti Bhikkhuni for medical support.
- $1000 to Sri Vidyadeepa Nuns Educational Institute in Gangoda, Sri Lanka.
- $5500 to the Bhodhimalakaramaya Nuns Monastery in Neluwapitiya, Danthure, Sri Lanka.
- $1000 to the NZ Bhikkhuni Sangha Trust Library Project.
- $4000 to Dhammadharini Monastery in California for fire abatement and requisite needs.
- $500 each to Bhikkhunis Silasupatra, Kalanayee, Anula, Suthasinee, and the International Women’s Meditation Center in Thailand.
- $1000 to Tilorien Monastery in Belgium for requisites.
- $1000 to Anukama Monastery in the UK for requisites.
- $500 to Santi Forest Monastery in Australia for requisites.
- $500 to Mahapajapti Monastery in California for requisites.
- $500 to Dhammasara Monastery in Australia for requisites.
- $1000 to the NZ Bhikkhuni Sangha Trust for their residence project.
- $1400 to Buddhist Insights to support travel expenses for an upcoming bhikkhuni ordination.
- $500 to Bhikkhuni Surindra in Thailand for her requisites.
- $4500 to Karuna Sevena for Bhikkhuni Visuddhi’s medical requisites.
- $500 to Khemarama Monastery in Vietnam for requisites.
- $3000 to Aloka Vihara monastery in California for fire restoration work and requisites.
Donation for Bhikkhuni Vandana’s Academic Fees
The Alliance for Bhikkhunis has donated $300 to support Bhikkhuni Vandana’s academic fees in India.
Ayya Adhimutti, who made us aware of Bhikkhuni Vandana’s needs, writes, “She is an extremely bright young bhikkhuni, who will one day be an excellent leader (she already has many students and followers). Ven Vandana ordained when she was just 7 years old, she is about 20 now…She is one of the main *on the ground* contacts for helping establish a training centre in India.”
Donation for Fire Restoration Work At Aloka Vihara

Starting on August 14th, the Caldor fire in Northern California ravaged the valleys and mountains East of Sacramento. While Aloka Vihara Monastery was largely spared in the fire, several kutis and out-buildings were destroyed and the grounds badly burned. AfB has donated funds to start repairing the damage as well as to ensure abatement work for the future to help reduce the damage of wildfires.
This project is ongoing and you can support such efforts on the following page:
Donation for New Zealand Bhikkhuni Sangha Trust Residence and Library
$3,000 to support a Bhikkhuni residence in Hamilton, New Zealand. This location aspires to provide a peaceful, rural hermitage as a place for long-term solitary meditation practice for bhikkhunis, with some kutis available for serious lay retreatants. More >>
Projects Funded in 2021
Donations to Assist Nuns during COVID-19 Crisis
(Please note that all donations below are contributions from our general fund; any donations made to specific projects will automatically be sent alongside AfB’s additional contributions.)
Donation for Bhikkhuni Vandana’s Academic Fees
The Alliance for Bhikkhunis has donated $300 to support Bhikkhuni Vandana’s academic fees in India.
Ayya Adhimutti, who made us aware of Bhikkhuni Vandana’s needs, writes, “She is an extremely bright young bhikkhuni, who will one day be an excellent leader (she already has many students and followers). Ven Vandana ordained when she was just 7 years old, she is about 20 now…She is one of the main *on the ground* contacts for helping establish a training centre in India.”
Donation for Fire Restoration Work At Aloka Vihara
Starting on August 14th, the Caldor fire in Northern California ravaged the valleys and mountains East of Sacramento. While Aloka Vihara Monastery was largely spared in the fire, several kutis and out-buildings were destroyed and the grounds badly burned. AfB has donated funds to start repairing the damage as well as to ensure abatement work for the future to help reduce the damage of wildfires.
This project is ongoing and you can support such efforts on the following page:
Donation for New Zealand Bhikkhuni Sangha Trust Residence and Library
$3,000 to support a Bhikkhuni residence in Hamilton, New Zealand. This location aspires to provide a peaceful, rural hermitage as a place for long-term solitary meditation practice for bhikkhunis, with some kutis available for serious lay retreatants. More >>