55 Rowland Way #1008 Novato, CA 94945

The 1st Annual International Bhikkhuni Day

September 17, 2011

Dedicated to the Memory and Legacy of Mahapajapati Theri

Meditate with us! Become a part of the expanding circle supporting bhikkhunis. Once a year, we pay respect to the Bhikkhuni Sangha and acknowledge its essential role in preserving the dhamma. We remember prominent bhikkhunis and their unique achievements. We also honor all of our women teachers, including our mothers, grandmothers, aunts, and sisters. Join in a day of giving and receiving, of listening and sharing. Celebrate with us!

Visit our Firstgiving site to create a team of fellow meditators or join an existing team. This is where you can build a page for yourself or your temple or center, and sign up friends and family to sponsor your day of meditating as well as honoring the women who have given us a rich spiritual legacy.

Downloads and Tools to Create a Memorable, Transformative Day

Mahapajapati Tells her Story

The Amazing Transformations of Arahant Theri Uppalavanna by Ven. Tathaaloka Theri

Mahāpajāpatī’s Going Forth in the Madhyama-āgama by Ven. Dr. Bhikkhu Anālayo

PowerPoint on Bhikkhuni History

More IBD Material 





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